Chapter 1

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It was like any other morning, I was late for school. I tried to sneak in and get to my seat but as I walked by Chloe she stuck her foot out and I fell with a thud. I tried to catch myself but I ended up hurting my wrist. Before I would yell at Chloe, Mrs. Bustier was standing in front of me.
"Marinette, what are you doing? Your suppose to be here on time. Why are you late?"
I tried to think of something and fast. "Uhhh-well you see- I uhh- was helping my parents in the bakery yesterday and I had to finish my homework so I ended up doing it all night, which made me sleep in and that why I am late." She nodded her head and gestured for me to take my seat. I tried to stand up using my hand to help me up, I winced in pain and used the other. I sat down next to Alya and she gave me a worried look, I reassured her that I am fine and she turned back to the lesson. When I got my notebook out I saw a piece of paper on my desk. I opened it and saw a little note attached.

Are you ok?
I slowly looked up and saw a worried exspression. I gave a small smile and wrote with my other hand.
Yeah, I am just being clumsy me. You know how it is. I passed it back to him, I second latter I had a reply.
Really I saw you wince. Now call me crazy, but you write with you right hand and your writing with you left. Now please answer truthfully, are you ok?
No, I think I twisted it. I don't know, I have to do a lot of things so I cant afford it to be broken. So, I am fine. Please leave it at that. I wrote back.
If I have to CARRY you to the nurses office I will. Now please tell me what happened. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I looked up and saw Adrien smirking. I gave a small smile and nodded. He nodded and returned to the lesson. 

After the lesson. I collected my things and raced out. I didn't see the foot that was waiting for me at the doorway, so I fell again. This time I didn't stick my hands out so I ended up hitting shoulder on the ground. I looked up and saw Chloe standing there. 
"Watch where your going Maritrash. I knew you where a klutz but this is out of hand." She said and grabbed my right wrist. I tried not to wince but it came out anyways. She laughed and walked away. I tried to get up but my wrist and shoulder hurt to much so I sat up and leaned against the wall. I used it to help shimmy my way up to a standing position and walked down the stairs. I looked for a place to hide and found an empty classroom. I went to the back and slid down and cried. I tried to stop but the pain from my wrist and shoulder where bad and Chloe is not helping at all. I felt small hand brush a tear away.
"Marinette, please don't cry. Master Fu needs us to visit him after school. You can't let Chloe get to you." She said with a smile. "Tikki, I need to go to the nurses office. My shoulder and wrist are killing me. I don't care about me but I will see Master Fu after school." I got up with a struggle. I walked to the office and saw Adrien there waiting for me. He had a smile on his face, the key word is HAD one on. He must have noticed my tear-stained face because he walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Ow" I hissed. He looked at me with worry. I couldn't risk his friendship with Chloe so I told him a lie. That is what my life has become is one big lie.

"Marinette, what's wrong? You can't lie to me. I know that something happened with Chloe"
I was shocked, how did he know? "What do you mean? Nothing happened, your just coming up with crazy stories."
"Mari, she came down to me with a smirk and you never showed up. When you don't appear when Chloe smirks I know that something is up. Now spill, what happened to your shoulder?"
I stood there shocked he knows what happened to me and let me lie to him about my wrist, then he was worried about me so he came here. I think I fell in love with him all over again. "She tripped me on my way out of the class and she grabbed my wrist that she hurt earlier and so I sat in an empty classroom the last ten minuets trying to calm myself down before I came here. You happy, now I feel like an idiot. You and Chloe have been friends forever and now I may have ruined that. So I am just going to go get this checked out and go." 

I walked to the nurse and got my shoulder and wrist looked at. They were just bruised so I just could take some Motrin and I would be fine. I walked out and went home. I reached my room and collapsed on my chaise. I slowly looked up and saw Tikki flouting above me. "You need to go see master Fu." I got up and walked to his apartment. When I got there it was 3:30. I noticed his window was opened. I got this sinking feeling in my stomach, he always kept that closed. I rushed in and burst through the door and saw Adrien sitting there with a black kwamii on his shoulder. "Ahh, Marinette your right on time. Please have a seat." I sat down next Adrien and let Tikki fly out. She tackled Plagg in a bear hug. "How long has it been, 100-150 years at most." Tikki exclaimed. They laughed and hugged and sat down again to catch up. Master Fu turned to Marinette. 

"Glad you could come Ladybug, it is time to discuss Hawkmoths identity. I know I have revealed your identities but this is way more important, and I want you to be there for Adrien so he has someone to lean on. Hawkmoth is Gabriel Aggrest." He said. I looked at Adrien and he was shocked. He looked at me and frowned. I couldn't tell if he was disappointed in his father or me. Adrien was the first one to speak. "Well my father is Hawkmoth so let end this once and for all." I looked at him as if he were a stranger. He has never been angry before and he has never been cruel. I looked at Master Fu and nodded my head. I got up and left. I needed to walk home, I was just down the street when I saw a little girl in the middle of the street. I heard a car in the distance but he wasn't slowing down. I ran to the little girl and pushed her out of the way. I saw the car come and then pain filled my body. I heard the girl scream then everything went black.

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