Chapter 4

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I just finished writing my new song called Forgotten. Then I felt someone grab my shoulder The claws were an indicator. "G-G-Go aw-away chat. I just want to be alone." I said. Then the voice of someone I least expected to hear spoke. "I am here to apologize and hopefully regain the trust and bond." I turned around and saw Wolfiena. I stared at her. I couldn't think of anything to say. 
"What are you doing here?" I finally asked.
"I read your letter. I didn't know that this was happening, I am sorry that I left and stopped contacting you. Mom and dad blamed a lot of things on me back then, and I got an opportunity to leave so I took it. Please you have to understand." I saw the tears running down her face, felt the tears continued to flow from mine. I couldn't help but forgive her, but my trust is another thing. "Mari please. I have missed you. I am sorry your friends left you, I am sorry about your depression but you have to believe me. I was upset and angry." She de-transformed and became Mady, my sister that abandoned me and helped me when we were younger. My twin sister, the girl that shared my face and hair. I got up and walked over to her, with the help of my crutches, I gave her a hug. I was happy and sad at the same time. "I forgive you, but you must gain my trust. I love you still. I always will, but please don't leave again."
"Don't worry about it but don't tell mom and dad yet. I will tell them when I am ready."

I nodded. I was so happy, I sank to the ground and sighed. A flash of gray light appeared and Wolfiena stood where Mady was. I gave her a quick hug and laughed. Nothing could ruin this moment. She jumped out of my trapdoor and left. I grabbed my sketch book and started my latest design. When I finished I smiled and called Alya to come over and take me to the fabric store. When we returned from the store, I went straight to work.
"Mari, what are you working on?" Alya asked
I pulled my sketch book out and handed it to her. "What inspired you to do this?"
"Well, I was sitting in bed reading when I saw this wolf-thing that jumped past me I caught the glimpse and was instantly inspired. So I will be making this skirt with a gray and white pattern. Then I will make a vest to go over a white tank-top that says Wolfiena on the back, with light gray  knee-high socks. I will also be making a bracelet that looks like a dream catcher but looks like it's made out of bones. I was also thinking maybe a patch of a moon on the side in the front. I hope it turns out how I want it to."
"Wow girl. can you make me something similar but instead of a wolf can it be a Ladybug theme?"
I nodded. "Yeah, I have lots of sketches with that theme. So, all I need are measurements and for you to chose a design." I said with a smile. I noticed that I have music sheets scattered all over my room, Alya didn't and stepped all over them. I frowned, she has never asked about them and she just stepped on my instrumental version of Forgotten and Falling Fast. I handed her my sketch book so she could pick one and frowned as she ripped one of the pages. Nino and Adrien have done similar things. I turned back to my work and continued on the skirt. Three hours later the skirt was complete. I placed it on the mannequin and smiled. The gray and white with tiny splotches of black blended perfectly together. I heard my phone ring on my desk and saw an unknown number. I answered anyways.
"Hi is this Marinette Dupin-Cheng?"
"Who may I ask is calling?" 
"It's Carly. I got a new number. Sorry I haven't call in a while."
I smiled. "It's fine, so how is everyone?"
I heard her giggle at the other end. "Were good...Sam...HI MARI!!...SAM!!!!..... Sorry he stole my phone. Anyway, we are all in Paris and were wondering if you wanted to get together?" 
I was beaming. "I would love to how about tomorrow?"
"Sounds great. well I have to go, Rory is going to kill Sam and John if they try to steal my phone to talk to you. So meet at the park at 10:30, for old time sake?"
"Would love to. Talk to you"

I jumped back into sewing so my new look would be done by tomorrow. By the time 10 o'clock hit I was finished with everything but the bracelet and the patch. It didn't take long but, at 10:30 I was done. I took my pain meds, made sure that Mady was fed and watered and crawled in bed.
In the morning, Marinette didn't wake up till 10:30. Normally she was up latter but her pain meds made her tired all the time. She looked at her phone. She was wide awake then, she carefully climbed down and got into the bath. It was difficult at first with her cast on her leg but she managed. When she finished she got out and put on her Wolfiena outfit she finished last night. As she finished getting ready she blasted her punk rock/classic rock playlist. After making sure everything was in order she walked down to say goodbye to her parents and head to the park. She recognized them instantly. Sam was the first on to see her and ran over and gave her a hug. followed by Carly, John then Rory. 
"Mainette D.C. what happened?" Carly asked
"I pushed a little girl out of the road before she could get ran over and took the blow for her. Nothing crazy."
"That's our Mari. Taking the blow for someone else. Do you remember when she took the blame for me when I put a spider in Mrs. Claddens desk. Holly molly she jumped three feet in the air and ran out screaming and we were all laughing." Sam said. We all laughed at the memory. 
"Where do you want to eat?" Mari asked them
"What about that new Cafe down the street." John offered. We all nodded in agreement. We walked slow so I could keep up on my crutches but we made it there. We sat down at the booth in the back so we could have more room to ourselves. We ordered our food and drinks and caught up on everything we missed. 
"Mari, we have great news to tell you." Rory said
"What is it?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.
"Well, the music school we go to, they have a spot open and they want you to fill it. They heard your songs that you sent me a month ago...Queen of Mean, they liked it so they asked us to bring you in for an addition. And if they like what they hear they will give you a full scholarship. What do you think?" Carly finished
"I will think about it. Can I give you your answer on Tuesday?" They nodded there heads. "Guess who payed me a visit yesterday?"
"Who?" Sam asked
They all gasped. They knew Mady before she left, they were there to comfort me and help me through it. Till they all left to go to the same school, mom and dad tried to get me go there but it was to expensive. I smiled, they do care. I never told Alya or Nino about Mady, she was never around. No one asked if I had any siblings because they would come into the bakery and see only me. I have one picture of me and her and I keep it in my little purse so I have her close but no one knows.
"What did she want?" John asked concern lasing his voice.
"To apologize. She left me a note in my room explaining why she came back. She said she heard about my accident and that she wanted to see me. So I wrote and aggressive letter back and had a friend deliver it. She must have gotten the hint because she showed up in my room and we talked it out. We're ok now, but i can't trust her the way I use to." They gave me a pity look that quickly turned to an evil one.
"Mari, have you written any songs lately?" Sam asked
I nodded. "Have you written an instrumental parts for said song?" John asked with a smirk. I caught on and my eyes widen and I shook my head. "Nope, I am not going to perform. I haven't done that since you guys left me. And I let everything at my house-" Ohh crap.  Sam walked over and picked me up. "Sam put me down!!" I squeaked.

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