Chapter 2

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After my meeting with Marinette and Master Fu, I transformed and left. I made it to the Bakery when I heard a little girl scream down the street. I saw a car and reporters there. I ran over and saw the shy, blue haired girl laying on the ground with blood coming out of her head. I looked at the girl and saw her crying. I ran over to her and asked what happened.
"I-I-I was getting something out of the road and I didn't se-se-see the car. The next thing I knew I was on the sidewalk and she was-th-th-th-there. I screamed and then everyone came over." She sobbed in her hands and her mom rushed to her and hugged her. I ran back to Marinette and placed her head in my lap, I checked her pulse. It was faint and slow, too slow. I picked her up and ran her to the hospital. I saw her bag and opened it so Tikki could come out. I ran to the lobby shouting for help. They brought out a gurney and she was rushed to surgery. I ran out to the ally way and de-transformed. I pulled my phone out and called the bakery.

"Hello, this is the Dupin-Cheng Bakery how may I help you?" Sabin answered.
"Hello, this is Adrien. I am calling to tell you that Marinette was ran over and is in the hospital."
"TOM!!" She yelled at the other end. I heard chatting in the background "Thank you Adrien, we will be right down. Will you call Alya and Nino they will want to know what happened?"
"Of course." I hung up and called Alya and told her what happened. She sounded panicked and I heard Nino in the background trying to calm her down. Eventually they arrived at the hospital and we all sat in the waiting room. I saw the nurse walk out.
"Marinette Dupin-Cheng family?!" We all stood and walked over. "She is awake, but she is a little out of it. So don't push her and ask her too many questions. Please only one at a time, for friends." We all nodded and headed to her room. We stood outside and I opened the door and walked in. 

I walked over to see her looking out the window. I sat in the chair closest to her and grabbed her hand. "Well princess, I gotta say I am a little upset. Why would you do it?" She looked at me and smiled. "Kitty, you know why. I was not going to let that little girl get as injured as I am. I knew what I was doing." She squeezed my hand to reassure me. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. She giggled and looked out the window. I saw her looking at Alya who was crying in the hallway. I looked back and her and kissed her hand. "I will visit later. maybe tonight." I smirked and got up. She pulled my hand we locked eyes. I leaned down and kissed her. We broke apart and I let Alya in. I gotta say, I always liked Mari. I just loved Ladybug more.


I can't believe I kissed Adrien and he kissed back. Alya came running in and hugged me as tight as she could without hurting me. I told her what happened, and she smiled. "Girl, I didn't know you had a Ladybug side?" I laughed and smirked. "You know I wasn't going to let her get hurt. I would rather it be me than her." I said proudly. "Girl I am so proud of you. What did you and Adrien talk about?" I blushed as I remembered our kiss. "Well, I kissed him and he kissed me." I said as casually as possible. I scooted over so she could sit with me. "I need deets asap" I told what we talked about beside the superhero banter and we talked. Nino came in and sat down and talked with us too. They had to leave because of school, and my parents had to go because of the bakery. They wanted to stay but I told them they needed to carry on with out me. I layed down on the hospital bed and closed my eyes, I have never hurt so much. Akuma attacks didn't leave this much damage but that is with the help of the suit and Tikki. I was about to fall asleep when I heard footsteps in my room. I opened my eyes and saw Chat standing in the corner looking at me.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." I said with a smirk. He started to laugh, then fell silent. "How do you feel?" He asked. I shook my head. "I am tired of people asking me that can we please talk about something else." He nodded. "How is the little girl? I hope I didn't hurt her when I pushed her out of the way." He smiled. "She is fine, I just saw her. She is coming to visit tomorrow, so be prepared." I nodded I looked up at him. "We need to talk-about earlier...The kiss" I saw his eyes go wide. "Ok, what do you want to talk about?" "Well, I have awlays loved Adrien, but I don't know if your happy I'm ladybug or-"
"Or what?"
"disappointed. You always said you loved Ladybu-" I was cut short by a pair of soft lips on mine. He tilted my head so he could get full access his other hand played with my hair. 
"I will never be disappointed in you. I have always loved you, I was just too blind by my love for Ladybug I didn't take my chance with you." I smiled
"i have always loved Adrien and Chat Noir. Guess, I loved Adrien more." I kissed him again. I started to get tired so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, I waited for the little girl and her mom to come and visit. When they came, I was shocked to see that they brought in a big box with holes in the side. They walked over to me with a big smile on there face. "I just want to say thank you for saving my daughter. I am sorry that you had to deal with the aftermath." I smiled.
"Don't be, I was happy to do it. May I ask what is in the box." I little girl had a big smile on her face. "This is my thank you." They sat the box on my lap. I opened the lid and found a baby golden retriever. I smiled and a few tears came out as well. I have always wanted a puppy. I picked her up and held her close. "Thanks you. You didn't have to do this." They shook there heads. We wanted to do this. We already talked to your parents and asked if it was ok, they said yes." The mom said.
"What are you going to name her?" the little girl asked
I looked into her blue eyes and smiled. "Mady." I remember Mady, she was my twin sister. She ran away after our father died, I haven't seen her since. I frowned, Mady was always there for me. Now I dont even know where she is. I use to get postcards, then she stopped sending them.
"Are you ok?" the mom asked. 
I wipped my eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I am going to call her Mady."
"Why" the little girl asked
"It's the name of my best friend. I don't see her anymore." I said and smiled. I hugged Mady close and pet her. She gave a small whine, curled into my lap and fell asleep. The two ladies left and I was left alone with Mady. I closed my eyes and felt the dog bury herself deeper into my lap. I smiled and fell asleep.

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