Chapter 6

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3rd Person

Alya, Nino, and Adrien sat in the auditorium watching Marinette perform.

How do you always have an opinion
How do you always find the best way to compromise
We don't need to have a reason

They looked at each other, to them it sounded like she was describing them. The chorus sounds like she needs someone to tell her this, that someone has hurt her so much she needed to hear it come from herself. When the song ended they clapped but there jaws were resting on the floor. They walked back stage to say congrats but were stopped by John, Sam, Carly and Rory.
"Were do you think your going?" John asked the warning in his voice evident.
"Going to say congrats to our friend. What are you doing?"
They all eyed each other. "We are here to support her in any of her decisions."
"We are her friends, what do you think we are monsters?" Alya asked anger rising in her voice
Cary eyed Alya trying to decide if she should yell or attack. "Really, did you guys know that she sang and wrote music? Did you know that she has three songs that are hit right now because she sold them to an artist? Did you you know that she had depression?did you know she had a sister? Did you ask any questions about her life? I know for a fact that she asked about yours! She would call me crying because she asks all of you about your lives but you never ask about hers. How can you call yourself her friends, when you know nothing!" Rory and Carly both exclaimed. It was very unusual for Rory to yell, but she is very protective of her friends. Alya, Adrien, and Nino hung there heads in shame as they left the auditorium. 

Marinette 4 weeks later

Me, Carly and Rory were wondering the corridors after school. We were talking and laughing, we had just finished all of our classes and were on break. Tomorrow we will be going back to my parents bakery. They are two cities away from Music of the Century. I walked ahead of them and started to walk backwards and talk at the same time. Being the klutz that I am I bumped into someone. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never did. I opened them to see a young man holding onto my waist and arm. When my eyes caught his, they were a beautiful shade of gray. 
"S-Sorry. I am super klutzy and I didn't see where I was going, I hope I didn't hurt you. Now I am rambling, because I do that when I am nervous. Wow, Sorry again-"
"It's fine. My name is Tomas, but you can call me Tom."
I smiled and stood up, thrusting out my hand to shake "My name is Marinette, you can call me Mari."
He smiled and shook my hand. His eyes were full of kindness, love and happiness. I could tell that he was ready to take on the world but ready to protect her if something were to happen. The more she thought about how nice he was the more she felt butterfly's in her stomach. They said there goodbye's and walked off, I couldn't help but look back. When she did she saw Tom staring after her. She gave a small smile and continued to walk off. 

Marinette 6 months later

She looked out the passenger window and saw the trees passing by and the sky with clouds of all shapes and sizes looking down at me. I looked to the driver and saw my amazing boyfriend Tom. We have been together for six months. He asked me out one week after meeting me and we have been working. I smiled at the memory, he was so nervous.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked
"The day you asked me out, our first kiss, you giving me your favorite sweatshirt. Basically you." I said a cheesy grin on my face. He reached over grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. 
"Wow, you two inches away from me and your still thinking of me?!"He teased
I giggled "Yeah, only because I love you." I kissed his knuckles in return.
"I love you too."

When we pulled into Paris, Carly and Sam were driving behind us, it was dark so we stayed a hotel. When we got out, Carly ran up to me and yelled "Girls bunk in one room, guys in the other!" We all laughed and walked to our rooms and fell asleep.
The next morning I was fast asleep when Carly jumped on me.
"WAKE UP MARI!!" she yelled
"AHH!" I bolted up and glared at her. "What the heck Carly!" I yelled as I laid back down and snuggled into the covers. There was a knock on the door, Carly rushed to open it. Sam and Tom walked in and weren't shocked that I wasn't up yet. I felt the blankets move and arms wrap around my waist. I looked up and saw Tom smiling at me. I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his stomach.
"Can we stay like this please? Your so warm." I smiled into the fabric of his shirt
"We can't you have to meet your parents, and I want to see the city." Tom stated "And aren't you looking forward to seeing your family. I want to see were my girlfriend grew up. It has to be amazing, since she is." I giggled
"Your so weird....Fine, I am up but you owe me. I demand one week of cuddling and kisses whenever I please." I said with a grin.
"Deal. starting tomorrow I am your slave." He got up and started to bow. I threw my head back and howled with laughter. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready. As I walked out I got this pit in my stomach. I looked around trying to figure out what was causing it, but I saw nothing. I grabbed my bags and headed to the lobby. Tom tried to grab my bags but I side stepped and kept walking.

"You know I will take your bag from you right?"
"Not if I have anything to do with it. Besides why do you want to carry my bag?"
"One, your my girlfriend. I am suppose to. Two, it's called being a gentleman." He stated as he kissed my cheek, causing me to blush. As I wasn't paying attention he ripped my bag out of my head. "Hey! You didn't have to take it from me. Rude!" I stated. He chuckled and opened the trunk of his car and put our stuff in. He walked over to the passenger seat and opened the door and helped me in. He closed the door and got into the drivers seat. I looked back and saw Carly and Sam already waiting on us. I nodded my head and smiled. We pulled out and continued our journey to the Bakery. We parked out front and grabbed our things. When I walked in I was welcomed with the fresh smells of cookies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, brownies, and bread.
"Mom, dad I am home!" I called out. I looked behind the counter and saw mom helping a customer. She looked up and smiled and rushed over and hugged me tight. Dad soon followed her and wrapped his big arms around us lifted us off the ground. I squealed with laughter and smiled.

"Marinette, who are your friends you brought with you?" Sabine asked
I stepped out of the embrace and walked over to my friends. "Mom, dad you remember Carly and Sam. This-" I pointed to Tom "is Tom, my boyfriend." I said. Tom stepped up and shook hands with mom and dad. He gave them a bright smile, that they returned. "It's nice to meet you Tom. Marinette's fathers name is Tom, what a coincidence?" Sabine said. 
We all laughed. "Hey, mom were just going to put our things in my room and go out."
"Ok, just text me when your on your way. I should have dinner done." Sabine said.

Once everything was in my old room, we went to the Cafe down the street. We ordered coffee and cake. We talked about what we would go see next. I reached my hand up to feel my earings but I remembered that I gave them back to master Fu before I left. I looked out the window and saw the park.
"Lets go to the park after this. It's so nice." I said
"Ok" they all said
We walked across the street. and sat on one of the benches. I was looking around when I saw people running around with a camera. As I looked closer I saw the three people I didn't want to see. There, having a photoshoot stood Adrien, Alya, and Nino. I grouned and placed my head in my hands. 
"Mari, you ok?" Carly asked
I pointed over to the shoot. She must have seen who it was because she she grabbed my hand and yanked me off the bench. "What the hell are they doing here?" She asked
I shrugged my shoulders. "Do you think that we could make a quick get-away?" I asked. I looked over and saw them walking over to us. Carly must have noticed me start to panic and ran, dragging me along with me. 

3rd persons POV

Tom and Sam got up and watched Carly run with Marinette behind her. 
"Where do you think they ran off to?" Tom asked
"I don't know."

"Was that Mairnette?" Alya asked
Tom and Sam turned around. "Oh. MY. GOSH! What are you doing here?" Sam said
"I was doing a shoot and though we saw Marinette. What are you doing here?" Adrien asked
"We are on holiday. Who are you?" Tom asked
"These are Marinettes old friends... The ones that were mean to her." Sam said the last part under his breath. That seemed to make Tom angery. 
"So your the guys that broke Maris heart. Wow, I didn't know that people could be so mean to a girl that puts her heart and sole into making other people happy, even at her owns exspence."  Tom said the anger rising in his voice.
"We never ment-" Alya tried to say but they were already gone.

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