Doyoung(NCT) x Reader~ He No Longer Needs Me (angst)

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A/n: I'm lowkey proud of this one(not really but I wrote a lot so 🤪🤙)

Paring: Doyoung (NCT) x reader

Genre: Angst, comedy if you squint

Prompt: We are not just friends and you fucking know it

Warnings: Some cursing but not a lot

2:00 am

You were currently laying on your bed staring at your ceiling, your mind racing with thoughts. You and your best friend, if that's what you would even call him, Doyoung had gotten into an argument that escalated really quickly. You didn't know how things got so heated but boy was it an ugly fight. Hurtful words were thrown by the both of you that stung the other more than ever. You both knew each other's weaknesses and insecurities and it seemed like all of that had been used as ammo. During the fight Doyoung had gone on a long rant about something, honestly you weren't even listening since you were so mad but the words and phrases you did pick up made your blood boil, when you decided to butt in.

"Doyoung just shut your mouth, I can't stand the sound of your voice."

"Oh that was a really good one bro," he dryly laughed out in a frat boy voice.

"I hate you so much, just get out of my fucking life! All you do is cause problems, I don't even know why I'm your friend."

Doyoung stood silent for a moment, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace as he stared at you with wide eyes.

"If you hate me so much and I'm such a terrible friend, maybe I should just stop being in your life. That would make you happy, wouldn't it?" He questioned bitterly turning to leave your apartment, only pausing to say," and we are not just friends you and fucking know it."

That's the last thing he said before continuing to storm out of you apartment, leaving his words echoing in your head. Here's the thing about the two of you, you weren't dating but you were practically a couple. You fooled around a little bit, bickered like an old married couple, had cute dates, and sometimes would even cuddle. You both clearly had feelings for each other but never really made it official. Official or not, it didn't matter. For the first time in awhile, you were terrified. You didn't want to lose Doyoung over some silly words that you didn't even mean. You had tried calling and texting him multiple times, only to be sent to voicemail or left on read. So now all you could do was sit on your bed and think, were you really going to lose the love of your life that easily?

~Time Skip 🤪🤙~

It had been about three months and you were a complete mess on the inside. You tried to play it off but honestly you also were a mess on the outside. You hadn't really made an effort to talk to anyone and you didn't leave the house unless it was to go to work or go to the store. You and Doyoung hung out with the same group of friends so whenever they asked you to come over you declined, fearing seeing him again. It's not that you didn't want to see him, you were just nervous. You didn't know what to say to him, that is if he even wanted to talk.

Today however, mama Taeyong was not having it. You were currently on the phone with him turning down plans to hang out for the tenth time this week, and it was only Wednesday.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!"

"Taeyong I don't know, I'm just really busy."

"You and I both know that's bullshit. If you don't get your butt over here me and the boys are just going to come to your place."

Rolling your eyes, you agreed knowing that he wasn't joking.

"Fine I'll come over but I can't promise much," you grumbled out.

"Great! See you at 6 and don't be late cutie."

Hanging up your phone, you checked the time. You had about two hours before you had to leave. You decided you better start getting ready and jumped in the shower.

6 o'clock rolled along fast and you currently stood in front of Taeyongs house trying to calm your nerves down.

"You can do this, just breathe and you'll be fine."

With a shaky hand you knocked on the door. A couple seconds went by and finally the door opened revealing Taeyong.

"You actually came," he sang out happily, pulling you into a hug.

"I didn't have much of a choice, did I?" You chuckled out hugging him tightly.

You both pulled away and you went to step inside but Taeyong blocked the way, his face going serious for a second.

"Before you go in, I want you to know something," he started to say, only to be cut off by a loud voice.

"Wait a second, bro is that y/n?"

"If it isn't Mork Lee," you joked, pushing past Taeyong to hug the Canadian boy.

Taeyong stood in the doorway with a tight smile on his face but didn't say another word and shut the front door. Soon all of the boys were coming to you and hugging you while giving you snarky remarks. All of them but Doyoung. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, a loud laugh came from the kitchen as two people emerged.

It was Doyoung and with him was a beautiful girl. His arm rested on her shoulders as they walked out. He turned his head alway from the girl and made eye contact with you.

"Oh, y/n, you actually came," he muttered out, face turning stone cold.

The girl looked at you with a warm smile before lightly elbowing him in the ribs.

"Oh, sorry. Um, Y/n this is my girlfriend Joy. Joy, this is y/n."

You stood frozen, you could believe what you had just heard.

"Hey y/n, it's nice to meet you," Joy warmly said as she made her way over to you.

"Same goes for you," you weakly responded shaking her hand.

The night continued with an awkward feeling hanging in the air. The rest of the boys knew how you felt about Doyoung and they knew how much this had crushed you but they didn't know what to say.

Finally ten o'clock rolled around and you decided to head home, not being able to stand seeing the happy couple. A chorus of byes and see you laters were said as Taeyong walked you out.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah of course I am," you responded with a weak smile.

"Y/n," He weakly called out.

"Taeyong, seriously I'm fine. I just want to go home."

"Okay, okay. Just promise you'll tell me if this gets too much."

"I will," you promised.

"Get home safe kiddo," he called out as you hopped in your car. As you drove, you had only one thought.

You really had lost Doyoung for good.

A/n: I hope you guys liked this! I feel like I could make this into a series but I'm not sure if I should....

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