Bang Chan (skz) X Reader~ 5:30 pm (fluff)

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5:30 pm

You got up from your couch as you heard your doorbell ring, a small smile resting on your face. Your best friend, Chan, was coming over for a movie night. You were super excited since you hadn't seen the cute little rapper for sometime since he's been busy living his best life as an idol. Well, a stressful life but still, he was living his best life.

"Hey," He said with a smile.

"What's up loser," you laughed out as you pulled him into a tight hug.

"I really have to pee and you're squeezing me too hard."

"Oh shoot sorry, I'll pull up the movie while you're doing your business," you say pulling away.

After a few moments you hear him shuffle into the living room.

"Alright, we can start," Chan said as he plopped down on the couch.

"Took you long enough, I thought you fell into the toilet."

This earned a laugh from him as you pressed play on the movie you had picked. The movie had been playing for about an hour and you were so into the film that you didn't even realize Chan was staring at you.

"You are so fucking adorable."

"What?" You asked startled.

You watched as his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

"Nothing j-just watch the movie," he stuttered out, awkwardly turning away from you.

You laughed softly, cheeks also going pink as your heart pounded in your chest. Little did both of you know how whipped you were for each other.

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