Her Acquaintance, Six O'clock

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   Silence was the only thing that could be heard in the dining room as you stood there bewildered at what had just happened. There was only one person in the room, that being you, and you slowly glance around the room still shocked. The Sakamakis. They had all disappeared. The second you had chanted that spell they had all faded away and disappeared from where they sat. Ayato's chair was still thrown back from where he had suddenly stood, and plates of food still remained on the table, each one growing cold with each passing minute, but there was no one here who would finish them. The spell had worked but not in the way that you had wanted. Instead of sending you back to your carefree, safe life in the Black Butler dimension it had instead sent them away, most likely to the dimension instead. You gritted your teeth, silently cursing yourself for what had just happened. It should have been you that was sent back, not those bastards.

What to do? What to do? Questions racked through your mind for what actions you should take next. The Sakamakis were gone, but you were still stuck in this dimension. There was no where you knew you could go. Well, at least it was better than having to deal with those vampires. You backed away from the empty table, your gaze running across it examining the spots the vampires had previously been.

Wait. Karl Heinz and them had hinted that the blood moon had some sort of affect on a magic-users magic. That could be the only reason why the spell hadn't properly worked, why your magic and healing had been acting up in the past two weeks and why you weren't able to go home. But just why would the blood moon have that sort of affect? You didn't know and you could only hope that it was one of the answers you would find during your time here. Potentially, by finding out, you would find a way to get your powers working again and leave this dimension. Without your magic working properly right now, it was a guarantee that you wouldn't be leaving this world anytime soon.

But what about the vampires? You gave a distraught look back at the table, your gaze narrowing to glance between Subaru and Ayato's seats. Those two would be the most furious when they returned and that wasn't something you were looking forward to. Wherever they were at, they were stuck there, just as you were stuck here. Even in your momentary panic you grew curious about what would happen to the Sakamaki brothers. They were in the same circumstance you were in when you had teleported into their dimension. Maybe this was your revenge at them for all that they had done to you. But, you had to worry about the present. What to do? What to do?

You were alone in this mansion right? No, the butler was still here somewhere, but you rarely saw him as if he simply seemed to reside in the shadows and only come out when needed. But this was your chance. With the Sakamakis gone this was your chance to leave the manor, no second glance behind, you'll finally be free of your involvement with the Sakamakis and Karl Heinz. There was no regret as you left the dining room, your only goal in mind for the time being was making it to the front door and leaving the Sakamaki mansion for good.

Nothing attempted to stop you as you moved your way to the entrance, for once the haunting shadows of the mansion no longer crossing your mind as you passed them, their lingering shapes almost seeming to reside back into the safety of their caster as you passed them. Your pace increased knowing that you were getting closer to the entrance of the manor, and even more ecstatic knowing that there wasn't anyone to stop you. A happy smile crossed onto your face once you caught sight of the door, your pace now speeding up into a run as you sprinted your way over to the tall wooden doors. You grabbed onto the handle, and with a strong tug-


No matter how hard you pulled at the door handle, the doors remained shut, continuing to trap you in this desolate mansion, keeping you hostage against your will even in the absence of the vampires. "No. No! Open the fuck up!" Shouts left your figure as you continued to pull, growing more frantic in the process, your hope soon fading into despair. "Why won't you let me leave!" A sob racked through you, but you shoved your withering misery down as you backed away. Maybe. You raced over to a window down the hallway, tugging on its handle, but similar to the door it wouldn't open no matter how hard you pulled. After a fruitless try, you stumble back from the window staring in desolation. The trees and shrubs continued to dance mockingly outside the transparent barrier between you as if flaunting at the freedom they had and the enslavement you found yourself to be in.

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