Chapter One: Before The Lies

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Chapter One: Before The Lies

I felt like I was in a dream, my own little fairy tale where I marry my prince charming and I couldn't be any happier because that's exactly what happened, we have only been dating for the past five months before he proposed but I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I will grow old with him and we will start a family of our own and I couldn't wait until it happens.

I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind me and I instantly knew who it was as I spinned around and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down for a kiss and when we broke apart I had a huge smile on my face as I stared up at my husband.

"Is there something on my face Mrs Clarke?" he whispered in my ear causing me to shiver and I just continued to stare up at him with a smile on my face as I shoke my head.

He leaned down with a smile of his own on his face and I felt myself leaning up and within seconds our lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss for the second time and it feels even better now that we are married. A blush made its way onto my face when we recieved multiple discreet coughs making us pull apart and stare at our guests who looked at us with there own smiles.

"I love your blush" he whispered kissing me briefly on the lips a third time before turning to talk to his parents but his arms stayed wrapped around my waist. "I am so happy my son has finally met the woman he loves with all his heart, I thought he would never get married and then you came along... thank you" Justin's mother gushed happily whilst pulling me in for a hug and I happily hugged my mother in law back.

"I can' wait till you both start a family, I can spoil my grandchilren rotten" his father then said grinning causing me to blush even more red, the thought of having a baby made me smile and feel all giddy inside and I couldn't wait to start our own little family.

In about seven months exactly that will happen.

I found out I am pregnant a few days ago, already a couple months when I couldn't fit into my dress but luckily it was only a little too tight so it was easy to resize it before today without anyone else knowing. I was in a panic mode not knowing what to do at first until I decided to take a test and I couldn't wait to tell Justin tonight when we touched the grounds of another country where we will enjoy our honeymoon.

I was brought back to reality with Justin's arms still wrapped around me as I looked in the direction of my parents to see them dancing like mad people and I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of them. I used to get so embarrassed when the would act like teenagers but I am happy now to know it's because there still madly in love with eachother even after so long.

I could also easily tell that they were drunk, a couple more drinks and they would be completely smashed. "I'm so happy for you sweetheart" my dad slurred causing me to chuckle as I leaned into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me in for one of his famous bear hugs.

"You better look after her Clarke" he said looking at my husband.

I felt my husband kiss me on my forehead before answering my dad, "I wouldn't dream of ever hurting her" I smiled and watched as a smile made it's way onto my fatherrs face also.

My dad looked behind him and his smile grew, "Now I better get back to your mum before she finds a new dance partner" he gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek before making my way back to my mum as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as they started to sway to the music.

"Do you think we will be married for as long as both our parents?" I asked looking up at him curisouly.

"Even longer" was all he said  when he looked down at me with a smile on his face and something else I couldn't quite point out. "Now, will you dance with me Mrs Clarke?" he questioned quickly I wanted to frown because I felt like he was hiding something from me but a small smile quickly made its way onto my face instead.

I took hold of his hand and bowed now a smirk on my face, "I would be honored to dance with my husband Mr Clarke" I let him pull me onto the dance floor and like our parents we both swayed to the music with his arms wrapped securely around me.

We both enjoyed the rest of wedding reception with our close friends and family until we had to leave to enjoy our honeymoon in a few short hours and I still had no clue as to where we were going as he apparently wants to keep it a surprise.


"Where are we going?" I questioned eagerly for probably more than the tenth time, I didn't like surprises and not knowing where we were going for our honeymoon irritated me even if it was the happiest day of my life.

Justin smirked as he quickly glanced at me, "Now it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you" he teased me causing me to roll my eyes but the smile on my face was still there.

It was silent for a few moments, "I don't know if I packed the correct clothes, if you tell me I will know if I need to buy new clothes or not" I tried to persuade him but it obviously it wasn't working as he sat driving shaking his head with a smile of his own on his face as we made our way to the airport.

"I wouldn't worry about worrying about your clothes" he said with a smirk plastered on his face, "I plan to stay in the room with you for two weeks" he winked before turning his attention back to the road, finally we were nearly at the airport.

"Justin!" I said laughing as I hit him on the arm.

"I'm kidding... okay I'm not" he grinned cheekily at before before taking another turning until we finally arrived at the airport. As we were checking in he quickly told the woman it was a surprise honeymoon so not even she said a word about where we were going and I couldn't help but sulk a little at not knowing.

I was still questioning him constantly about where we were going and he would still say nothing so instead I settled with being quite and not saying a thing.

"Give me a clue" I said as we were finally boarding the plane.

"No" he said simply yet the smirk was still on his face so I knew he found this amusing whilst I felt frustrated.

"Fine" I sulked, "Just know nothing is happening in that room you were on about" I muttered.

Then his smirk widened, "We'll see" and I frowned knowing he was right.

He leaned down when we were finally settled in our seats, "I love you" he whispered and as I looked up into his eyes I couldn't help but fall more in love with him, "I love you too" I whispered back before kissing him passionately. 

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