Chapter Two

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The Marriage

Chapter Two

I giggled as Justin threw me on the bed after just carrying me through the villa and straight up the stairs to our room, "I can't wait any longer" he muttered wanting to get the white simple dress of me as fast as he possibly could. "Thank you" I blurted out, "I've always wanted to come to Madrid and now I'm here and I'm happy it's with you Mr Clarke" I grinned as I pulled him in for a kiss.

"I'm very lucky to have met such a woman like you Rosie" he whispered cupping my face in his hands, I am so lucky to have a man like Justin in my life and now that he is my husband I am never letting him go.


I woke up with a huge smile on my face which quickly turned into a frown when I knew Justin wasn't lying down next to me, sitting up and pushing back the covers I picked up Justin's t-shirt, buttoning it up as I made my way downstairs to go and find my husband, when I started to hear his voice, he was speaking to someone on the phone.

I listened in, we both agreed that on our honeymoon we would have no interruptions at all and it was his idea, well unless it was important then obviously we would ring up. "I can't believe I went through with this marriage, everyone believes I am so in love with her that it's unreal. I'm just glad it wasn't really a real wedding" he laughed causing my heart to break at what I was hearing.

The person on the phone must of said something funny as he started laughing louder this time, I stood there for a couple of seconds angry and hurt at the news. "I'll tell you one thing though, this so called marriage could work, in the bedroom" he joked to his friend or whoever was on the phone, a tear slid down my cheek.

I quietly made my way back to the bedroom where I shoved my clothes in my suitcase and I tried to get out of the house as quick and quietly as possible, the keyword tried but ended up failing as the suitcase was too heavy and dropped all the way to the bottom of the stairs.

I felt disgusted with the man that I actually thought I fell in love with, the man I thought I married but obviously that wasn't true by what he was saying to the person on the phone.

Thankfully we didn't get to the unpacking stage of the evening but I felt disgusted with myself for letting that man touch me, falling in love with him only to have my heartbroken. It was just a sick and cruel joke to play on a woman who thought she found the love of her life and married him, only to find out he is a lying bastard that I want nowhere near me.


There is one thing I am thankful for when I heard Justin on the phone and that was when he said we weren't really married so at least I know I'm not really his wife, I'm not really Mrs Clarke I'm still plain, Miss Rosie Brown.

I was trying to carry my things down the stairs without being heard by a certain man who still stood laughing whom I'm assuming is one of his friends about me and about how stupid and gullible I am until there was silence when I accidently dropped my suitcase and it went tumbling down the stairs.

"I have to go" was all he said and the living room door opened to reveal Justin, he shifted uncomfortably before his gaze settled to the suitcase lying on the ground luckily not enough damage so my clothes weren't hanging out, "Where are you going?" he asked shoving his phone inside his pocket.

I looked at the man as if he was insane, he has repeatedly lied to me saying he loves me, just been talking to his friends about me and how stupid I am and how we aren't really married and his asking me where I am going. I glared at him, "I am going to the airport and will be on the first flight back home!" I repsonded not glancing at him as I walked down the stairs and grabbed my suitcase.

"I take it you heard everything.." he trailed off still standing in his spot as I made my way towards the door completely ignoring him until he said, "It was only supposed to be a bit of fun" he muttered as I was the stupid one for being angry with him.

I span round wanting to throw my suitcade at his head, "A bit of fun!? Telling someone you love them, asking them to marry you and actually going through with the wedding and having your friend play the priest is not fun, it's cruel and I don't want to be anywhere near you, in fact I hate you!" I shouted feeling my anger coming back as I through something at him not caring what it was as I left the house with the bang of the door.

"Rosie-" he tried to speak but I wouldn't let him.

"Have a nice life Justin" I muttered slamming the door shut behind me, wondering how I was going to get home, I couldn't even think straight right now after hearing my so called husband, isn't actually my husband and he didn't love me at all.

Author's Note !

It's been two weeks.. I apologise and give you the second chapter and I'm already working on the next chapter but now it's been Seven years since they last saw each other and Rosie has a little something of Justin with her everyday! (as if that didn't make it obvious) :P 

I am also working on the next chapter of one of my other stories but I wont tell you which one.. I'm evil like that!!

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