Chapter Five

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The Marriage 

Chapter Five

I continued to stare at Justin as if he were a gosht when Dustin called for me louder this time causing us both to look away and look at the little boy standing in front of us still with ice cream dripping from his face, "Dustin! You have to eat nicely" I chuckled forgetting about Justin standing right in front of me for a couple seconds.

"Who's he?" Dustin questioned staring at his father curiously, of course he doesn't know that's his father as he continued to eat out of his bowl of ice cream, even in a serious situation like this he still manages to eat his ice cream, "This is an.. old friend" I trailed off not knowing what eles to say, should I just blurt out that Justin is his father or should I do it at a more appropriate time.

"Oh" was all he said, "I'm full can we go home now!" he said turning to look back at me not even bothering to say goodbye to the still quite Justin.

"It was nice running into you, I have to get this little guy home and ready for bed" I said quickly about to leave when he grabbed hold of my arm stopping me from doing so. "Rosie, is he, is he mine?" he whispered quietly not wanting Dustin to hear which I was thankful for.

I frowned snatching my arm back from his hold, "To answer your question, yes he is but he doesn't know about you. I wanted to tell you but I thought I would make you suffer the way I suffered when I got my heart broken, a bitch move but maybe you would have played with your sons heart the way you played with mine and I couldn't let you do that to him" I said coldly before walking away leaving him behind as I went to pay for the bill.

I smiled when Dustin grabbed hold of my hand when we were walking across the road, it's like he knew when I was upset because he was always there to comfort me and it was normally a struggle to get him to hold my hand when crossing the road because he think his a big boy and doesn't need to hold his 'mums' hand.

"Is the man my dad?" he questioned looking up at me as I strapped him in his car seat and I couldn't help but stare at him shock, I didn't know how to answer him but finally I just settled for the truth. 


I was about to leave work to go and pick up Dustin from my mother's who was spending the days with my parents and my brother as I had to work a full day not being able to get the day off since already a few people called in sick and some on holidays so I was there to pick up the pieces that was when I spotted Justin standing outside in the rain, what an idiot.

"What are you doing here Justin?" I shouted out in the pouring rain, I didn't understand why he was all of sudden everywhere I was and it was doing my head in. "I just found out I have a son, do you really expect me to just leave and not say a word" he stated obviously not waiting for an answer.

I was actually hoping he would do exactly that, "I want to meet him properly, I think I should get that" he said walking closer to me and I couldn't let him hurt my son the way he hurt me. I shake my head looking into his eyes as I said, "How do I know this isn't just all an act? What if you hurt him the way you hurt me!" I whispered not thinking he heard me.

Justin looked away from me then a frown on his face, "I wouldn't dare to think of doing that to him, I'm sorry I ever done it to you. I was young and stupid and thought it was only a bit of fun but I broke your heart and I realised that I really did fall in love with you and the guys realised the change in me as well, I've thought about nothing more than wishing I could change the past" he said looking back down at me.

I close my eyes, "I realised I love you Rosie, I haven't stopped. I want to meet him and I want to prove to you I love you and that I really want to spend the rest of my life with you" he said loudly since the rain was just getting louder.

"Why now?" I asked the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Better time then any" he smiled, "Can I meet him?" he questioned.

"Only if you promise never to break our hearts, if you promise to always be there" I said and with a nod of his head we were soon on our way for him to meet his son properly and although I was scared of the reaction that Dustin would have since I told him the truth. I am happy to know my son can finally have a relationship with his father. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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