Chapter Four

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The Marriage 

Chapter Four

After spending the day at my parents since it has been a couple weeks since we saw them and we were supposed to have our weekly dinner on Wednesday nights but with me being busy at work lately it has been hard to have free time to spend dinner as a family. "Did you have fun seeing Uncle Kai, it's been a long time since we've seen him since his moved up north" I said looking back quickly in the mirror as I drove us home.

Dustin grinned at the mention of his cool uncle, "He brought me a new game! I can't wait to get home and play it" he shouted causing me to wince but I couldn't deny the fact I am happy just to see him happy, "I don't think you'll be playing that tonight buddy, tomorrow you can after school but once we get in, you’re having a bath and then bed" I said firmly as I took a right onto our street and in a couple minutes we were home.

Dustin was old enough to give himself a bath, all I did was run the bath as I got his pyjama’s out and started to make myself a cup a tea, my laptop going on instantly to start finishing up some work I had to hand in tomorrow. I didn't know I was on the laptop for so long when Dustin was calling my name and waving a DVD in my face, "Remember you only have an hour so you can't watch all of it, and did you brush your teeth?" I questioned sternly wanting to make sure he did brush them properly.

"Yes" he rolled his eyes making me smile, taking the dvd from my son's hands I put the dvd on and Dustin sat down next to me snuggling close to me with my fleece blanket over him to keep him warm, "Love you mum" he said, "I love you too" I smiled kissing him on the head as I continued on with my work.


The next morning I woke up with Dustin laying across me on my bed, he must have woke up during the night and came into my bed, getting up from my bed I had a quick shower, got dressed and started making breakfast and when it was finished I went to go and wake Dustin up who was now spread out across my bed with a teddy in one hand hanging off the edge.

"Dustin, honey wake up! You don't want to be late for school!" I said loudly knowing it takes a few times just to wake him up. It was his last day back at school until half term and I knew he was excited to be having a week off school to see his uncle who is down for the week, I know he will be excited to go back to school and I also knew it would be a completely different story when he started secondary school. “Dustin!” I shouted now wanting him to wake up as his food is getting cold and I knew he would only complain once he did wake up that it’s cold.

I couldn’t win with him sometimes.

“I want to stay in bed!” he mumbled sleepily, I was dreading for the day he is to become a teenager as he has already started acting like one every now and then. “I made a nice English breakfast but if you don’t want it I will just eat it myself” I said walking out the door and before I was even half way down the hallway he was running down and into the kitchen to sit down at the table and already munching on his bacon, “Morning” he grinned with a mouth full of food making me shake my head at my crazy son.

After Dustin finished his breakfast he rushed off to get ready whilst I made sure he had everything in his bag for school and soon we were in the car, “I was thinking of going out for dinner tonight, and we can have all unhealthy food you want since it’s the last day of term” I smiled looking at my son who grinned at the idea, probably already thinking about what he wants since he is just like his father always hungry and eating anything, I couldn’t lie and say I wasn’t like that though because I am defiantly not a fussy eater, far from it.


I laughed at the sight of my son with ice cream near enough all over his face, "Why is it that you always manage to get ice cream all over your face and your arms" I said laughing again as he grinned back at me as a reply. "I'm one of a kind" he whispered as if it was a secret I knew instantly he got that from my brother, I smiled at the thought of Dustin wanting to be like his uncle.

"I think because you've been such a good boy we should get even more ice cream!" I gasped dramatically and he started jumping up and down in his seat, it's probably a bad idea to give him too much ice cream but it's Saturday tomorrow, and it's not like I let him eat like this every day, once in a blue moon actually.

When we both got another small bowl of ice cream which we have to go up ourselves and get it and put all the toppings we want on it ourselves, I only had to go and walk into someone a little bit of the ice cream going on the other person's shirt. "I am so sorry" I quickly said grabbing a bunch of napkins and finally looking the stranger in the eyes.

He defiantly isn't a stranger.

I stared in shock at the man standing in front of me, Justin, the father of my child is currently standing in front of me with his eyes wide in shock and I'm sure I looked the same, "Rosie" he whispered at the exact same time Dustin shouted out, "Mum!" and he looked like he was nearly going to faint as the words left Dustin's lips.

I would have laughed at the sight of Dustin already having more ice cream on his face but I know seeing his father for the first time even if he doesn't know it's his father is no laughing matter, for the first time in seven years I'm seeing the man who broke my heart into a million pieces.

Author’s Note!

This chapter is a little longer but Justin finally made an appearance at the end but I will be carrying on from exactly that point when I next upload which I don’t know when that will be but as least I’ve uploaded a couple chapters for you guys and still working on the next chapter of MTBF and can’t wait to share it with you!

Hopefully the next update will be before the end of the month which I’m pretty sure it will be..

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