Chapter Twenty

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They went on a date that night. It was hastily planned— the triplets had been bugging Kalen and James had received a simple get me out of here text— but it was still a date, just the two of them, so James was happy.

After a brief discussion they ended up deciding on Chinese restaurant a few streets over from Kalen's house at the younger boy's request, having claimed that he loved the cuisine but didn't have a chance to eat it often since their cook was so good. At this, James raised his eyebrows, and Kalen sighed and dropped his head back against the car seat.

James parents were staying in for the night, so they had given him permission to use the car. This excited him, because it was the first time he'd be able to take Kalen out.

"Yes we have a cook," Kalen said, the confession coming out like a sigh. "I know it's ridiculous. My father insists since he's never home for dinner".

"So... your cook—"


"Marvin," James corrected with a grin, turning on to street the restaurant was on. "Does he just like, stay there and wait on you—"

"Well he doesn't live with us," Kalen assured. "He just comes in at five in the morning and leaves around seven thirty after dinner". James must have made a face. "He gets paid really well, and it's not like he just has to stand in the kitchen for the whole day. We have a whole part of the house where the staff hangs out during the day until they're buzzed".

"Staff?" James echoed, turning into the parking lot. "For your house?"

Under his breath, Kalen explained. "We have people who clean and do our laundry as well".

"Really," James began, voice very teasing. He parked in the furthest spot from the door and then immediately turned in his seat to look at Kalen. "You don't know how to do your own laundry?"

"Not by choice," Kalen protested, eyeing James, who just smiled at him. "I can learn".

"Why don't you come over some time and I'll teach you how to do laundry," James suggested, teasing. Kalen's golden eyes rolled, and he blew a huff of air out of his perfect lips.

"You just want someone to come do your laundry for you," he accused. "Besides, there's a lot more things I'd rather you teach me to do". Something about his expression then told James his thoughts were far from PG and he desperately found himself wishing he could kiss Kalen I public and not worry about the threat of someone seeing them.

"Let's go in," he said to resist the urge.

Kalen seemed to know this, because his lips curled up into a smile as he unbuckled his seatbelt and left the vehicle.

Fuck, James thought, how did I get so lucky.


Dates with Kalen were very similar to the nights spent out eating dinner as friends, though Tyler wasn't with them. The only other difference was the wandering of Kalen's foot up his leg every couple of minutes. It was nice, James thought, and the only thing he could think of that would make it better would be if he was able to reach across his table and take his hand.

When he said as much, Kalen raised his head from his food and gave him a hesitant smile. "Well..."

Because of the triplets, James knew what was coming next.

"I've been thinking about talking to my dad... maybe," Kalen admitted, peering up at him through his lashes. Stuck between wanting to be supportive and honest, James remained silent, lips moving as he searched for the right words to say. Kalen deflated. "You don't think it's a good idea either.''

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