Chapter 29: Your "Little Snowflake"

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Elsa's POV:

Jack: Pitch!?!?

I was confused about this "Pitch" guy. But it really seems like Jack doesn't like him. It's like he's bad news. Pitch wore a black suit, he had spiked hair, and his skin was a bit grey. Jack seemed furious at the presence of Pitch.

Pitch: Oh! I guessed you remembered me since that 'incident'....

Jack: What do you want?!

Pitch: Nothing, just wanted to say hi.....

Pitch said, and walked backwards slowly and chuckled evilly. It scared me a bit. What does this guy want?

Jack: Stay away from him!

Elsa: Oh- okay

Jack: He's bad news

Elsa: What's so bad about him?

Jack: Well, we used to be best friends but then he starting stealing money and it wasn't right. So I told his parents and he got bullied at school for being poor, then he got arrested for 10 years. He would say bad things about me, which wasn't true.

Elsa: Wow...

Jack: I know, but just please, don't go near him.

Elsa: Okay

Jack: Good. I don't want you getting hurt Snowflake...

Elsa: Ok, ok! Frosty, you are very over protective!

Jack: Only to my family and you!

We laughed and continued to walk to school.

Angela's POV:

I was walking in the hallways to get my new plan started. That's right! Jack will be all mine! I was walking when a grey skinned man pushed me down.

Angela: Ugh! Watch where your going idiot!

??: Oh my dear apologizes....

He said. He had black spiked hair, and a suit that was all black. No fashion at all! His voice was deep, but scary.l

Pitch: My name is Pitch...

Angela: Oh! Well! You totally ruined my plan by walking-

He cut me off. Gosh! Let me finish my sentence at least!

Pitch: Plan? Oh what plan?

He seemed anxious to know. What if he ruins it? Eh, I will just get Jack with my looks then. I decided to tell him.

Angela: I want to ruin Elsa Winters, so I can have Jack back!

Pitch eyes widened when I said 'Jack back!'

Pitch: Do you mean, Jack Frost?

He said, and smirked evilly.

Angela: Yeah! And his dumb girlfriend

Pitch: Wait, does this girl have platinum blond hair and is pale?

Wait a minute, does he know them?

Angela: Yes, yes it is...

I said with a curious face, but serious.

Pitch: What about if we team together...

Angela: Why would I team with you?

I didn't want to work with this man. But he seemed like he knew Jack the most.

Pitch: I want Jack to feel the pain I once suffered, but enough about that!...

Angela: Okay, fine! But, you can't mess up anything! Nothing!

Pitch: Of course not dear!...

Pitch grinned evilly. What does he have in mind?


HEY GUYS! Yeah, suffering from pain. 😭😭😭😭 Sorry for a late chapter! I was gong to upload more yesterday but I couldn't. This book starts innocent but ends sadly. Some is going to die (so sorry!) I'll be sad, but a bit of happiness I guess. Not too sad, get ready for the feels! One love a Jelsa, bui bye!

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