Additional Ending❤️

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Author's Note:

Hey guys.
Long time no see!
Well since I wouldn't want to stop like this, I'll add a additional ending.
Ya happy?
Yous' better be!
It's been long, and I hope you enjoy my other books like 'Together. Forever.' Which is a Luke Hemmings Fanfic. He's beautiful. 😂😜
I hope you have a great day😁? No, life. 😍😘
One love Jelsa, bui bye!


Elsa's POV:

I held his hand firmly.

Elsa: C'mon Jack, you said you'll be there for me!

I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

Jack's Mom: How is he?

Jack's mom came, sliding the curtain to reveal Jack and I.

Elsa: I-I don't know.

I stuttered, glancing at her,than my attention to turning to Jack.

Jack's Mom: He'll wake up.

She reassured me with a smile and exited the room. I smiled back and sighed.

Jack went into a car accident on his way to work. It was unbelievable. The doctors said he'll be in a coma for a few weeks, even months. They even said years. I cried during that time, but I couldn't lose him this time.

We've been through a lot, and I know that we don't deserve it. He doesn't deserve this. He will wake up, and I'll be here.

Elsa: You will wake up.

I nodded my head vigorously. Painful tears rolled down my cheeks rapidly. My cries only filled the room.

Our friends couldn't come, just my family and Jack's. The news came to me when Jack suddenly called me, weakly. He kept whispering, almost no longer to breathe. I didn't know that he was running out of air, I thought he was fine. The phone call ended, and I knew I had to go to him. When I tried walking to his workplace, I saw Jack's car and I immediately went to it. I dialled the ambulance and the cops once I saw the amount of blood drawn.

We were doing awfully well, living in our apartment together. I hope this isn't the end.

Suddenly, I felt a twitch underneath me. I quickly shot my head up.


He flinched again.

Elsa: Oh My.

Those were the only words that could escape my lips. Keep believing Elsa, keep believing. A smile crept up my lips.

Jack: E-Elsa? I love you...

Elsa: I love you too!

He said, his eyes opened a bit. Happy tears rolled down my face. I cupped his face and gave him a passionate kiss. He responded. I pulled away, a smile plastered on my face. He closed his eyes again, and he stopped moving.

Elsa: J-Jack?

But then something tragic happened.

The heart beat line went dead.

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