chapter one

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Luke shrugged off his jacket, letting his bare arms soak in the sun. His tight black shirt clung to his chest due to the layer of sweat that coated his thin body. He wiped the blood from his lip, and walked through the sunny downtown.

Luke was quite the sight to see.

He was a hot mess. He dropped out of high school, and decided to spend his days stealing insignificant items and getting into fights with insignificant people.

Luke cracked his knuckles, grimacing at the pain that shot up his arms. People who passed him gave him weird looks.

"Excuse me, can you help me find the magazine shop?" A little girl asked, poking Luke's leg. Luke looked into her big blue eyes, and gave her a fake smile.

"No. Now fuck off." He spat, keeping his face emotionless when he saw tears filling the girl's eyes. She looked down at her pink converse, and sniffled.

"Help me find the magazine shop." She repeated, making eye contact. Her eyes were glassy. "I can't find my dad, and I think he's in there."

Luke tensed, and sighed. "Fine. But don't be annoying." 

He hated how people thought they could just talk to him. This girl was what, eight years old? Shouldn't she know not to talk to strangers? 

And didn't Luke look a bit... scary?

He had a busted lip and was adorned in all black. He had tried to avoid eye contact with everyone, and walked as fast as he could so that the general public would simply take the hint and not bother him.

This wasn't considered normal.

Yet here he was, walking a pretty-princess little girl to a magazine shop. 

The magazine shop was a very small place, and Luke was quite familiar with it. His dad would take him there when he was little, and they would buy the 25 cent red lollipops. The store was more than just magazines; it was trinkets, candies, and memories. Luke loved that place, he just hated his father.

That's why he moved out the second he turned 18.

"We're here." Luke grumbled, stopping at the doorway. 

"Aren't you going to come in?" The girl asked, furrowing her eyebrows. 

Luke shrugged, taking a step inside. He ignored the ripping of his heart as he realized that the shop looked exactly the same.

It had been what, ten years? Even the lollipop box was in the same spot.

Luke ignored the magazines, and got lost in his own little world. Small toys that he would have begged for as a kid were littered across the shelves. Luke's eyes wandered, and stopped once something caught his eye.

A box of mood rings.

"Mood rings!" Luke exclaimed, his eyes filling with childish joy. He loved these. Hell, who didn't? Luke slipped one on his finger when nobody was looking, and took one of the papers that explained what each color signified. Sure, it was bullshit, but he was still curious.

"Bye, little girl." Luke mumbled, walking out of the store before he heard her response. 

Yes, he just stole the mood ring. So what? They're less than a dollar; the owner of the store wouldn't even realize it was gone.

Luke unfolded the paper, and began to read it as he walked down the sidewalk.

Blue: Content

Red: Anger

Green: Calmness 

Yellow: Nervousness

Orange: Embarrassment 

Purple: Love

Black: Sad, depressed-

As Luke was reading, he walked straight into someone. 

"Fuck, sorry." Luke mumbled, continuing to walk with his head down.

"You better be sorry." A man spoke, every word sending smoke to Luke's nostrils.

Luke looked up and observed the guy. He seemed around 18 also, with dyed pink hair, and clothes similar to Luke's. Black.

"I'm kidding. Just don't touch me again." The boy spoke. "I'm not looking for love, by the way." He added, catching Luke off guard.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Your ring! It turned purple. Doesn't that mean love?" The boy spoke, a hint of a smile on his face. He glanced down at Luke's paper and nodded. "Yep, you're in love with me. Sorry, I'm not looking for that right now." 

Luke blushed, gritting his teeth. Sure enough, his ring was glowing a dark purple. "I'm not looking for love, you fag. It's a fucking mood ring, get over yourself." He spat.

"You never know what not to trust. This thing could be telling the truth." The stranger smirked, tapping the ring. "I'm sorry. I'm Michael. And I'm never planning on talking to you again."

"Luke. And likewise."

Luke started to leave, only to be stopped again.

"Unless," Michael whispered, nibbling Luke's ear and shooting sparks down his spine, "you're looking for sex."

And just like that, Michael was gone.


ooooh ooh 

new fanfic!!! tell me whatcha think yo 

and michael wants sex same

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