chapter five

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- i noticed that before i said michael had lavender hair, and he later dyed his hair to match the mood ring. the mood ring glows dark purple! (just to clarify) -

Luke woke up in a pile of mood rings. He had shot awake after a nightmare - about mood rings - and now his bed was covered.

In mood rings.

In fact, his floor was fucking covered in mood rings and it was pissing him off. Who was setting this up? It wasn't funny.

Luke decided he needed talk to Michael. But how?

Maybe Michael would go to the cafe again.


After a very, very, awkward conversation with the timid cashier, Luke was back at the booth with another bagel. This one didn't have a mood ring in it, thank god.

"We need to talk." Michael demanded, sitting down across from Luke. When did he get here?

"Hell yeah we do. Mood rings keep appearing everywhere. In my bed, in my food, in my-"

"You think you have it bad? They interrupted my sex!" Michael cried, grabbing Luke by the shoulders and shaking him. Luke grimaced.

"How?" He dared to ask.

"Okay, so like, I was about to fuck this guy, right? Things were getting pretty steamy and he was like 'oh Michael, you're sooo hot please just fuck me!' and I went to pull out a condom-"

"Michael, I really don't want to know about this."

"I went to pull out the condom I had in my back pocket, but a mood ring was there instead!" Michael slammed his hands down on the table.

Luke sighed in relief that the story was over. However, Michael didn't look so relieved. He was fuming.

"Okay, well do you have any mood rings with you?" Luke pressed.

"No!" Michael cried, obviously still angry about his sexual incident.


"Excuse me, would you guys like anything else-" A waitress started to ask.

"SHUT UP!" Luke and Michael snapped in unison, as the woman yelped and scurried away.

Michael groaned, putting his head into his hands. "I'm a hot mess. Keyword hot. But still."

"You're digusting." Luke rolled his eyes. "We just need to figure this mood rings thing out, okay?"

"Alright, fine. The full blame is on you for this, though. You had the mood ring first."

"And you said you never wanted to talk to me again, but look where we are now." Luke grinned sarcastically, MIchael chuckling and rolling his eyes.

"I said unless you wanted sex. And I'm sure the only reason you came back was to ask for just that." He winked. Luke shook his head, blushing slightly.

"I see the way you look at me, Luke." Michael leaned in towards Luke from across the table, his cold and smoky breath hitting Luke's face.

Luke sat in shock for a few seconds, looking up into Michael's eyes before quickly pushing him away, his eyes wide.

"I do not want sex. Figure this out on your own if you want to act that way." Luke huffed and stood up from the table, quickly pulling his hood over his head and walking out of the cafe with his hands in his pockets.

As he walked a bit down the sidewalk, Luke heard the jingle of the cafe door behind him, footsteps approaching quickly behind him.

"I want to figure this out, okay? I want to stop it as much as you do. But at the same time, I really don't. I want you, Luke." Michael yelled as he caught up to Luke, placing his hand on his shoulder and spinning him around. Michael's eyes were glassy, and he looked broken.

Luke opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. 

"So fuck the stupid mood rings." Michael spoke after a few moments, fishing out a cigarette from his pocket and shaking his head. "And come back to me when you've figured yourself out."


its mclahey i wrote part of this for jenna bc i couldnt send her a real xmas gift but i love her a lot and she wrote a wHOLE CHAPTER FOR ME WITHOUT ME KNOWING so i asked her what i could write for her and she said this so here it is!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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