chapter three

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Luke got really pissed off with his mood ring. 

It had been three days. Three! The mood ring had remained at the stupid fucking black. The entire reason Luke liked mood rings was because of all the colors they had, and the ring was just black.

His was probably just fucking defective. Which made pretty much no sense, since mood rings aren't accurate in the first place.

Luke sighed, and slid the mood ring off of his finger. He walked out to his apartment's balcony, and threw it as hard as he could. He watched it sail through the air, and sighed. 

After feeling content with the fact that it was out of his life, Luke slipped on some black fingerless gloves, black vans, and headed to downtown.

It was probably about six in the morning - a time where no sane person would be taking a walk through that part of the city - and it was when Luke always felt the most comfortable. Nobody would bother him at such an ungodly hour. Sure, he would pass people here and there; but they were definitely much too busy trying to keep themselves awake.

Luke kept his pace rhythmic, the scuff from his feet colliding with gravel keeping time with the music that flowed through his head. Today's inner playlist consisted of random My Chemical Romace songs. Luke didn't even like them, but that wasn't going to stop the song from playing itself.

Luke stopped at a small cafe, and pushed the door open, cursing at the loud Ding! that caught the cashier's attention.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A cheerful young woman asked politely.

"Plain bagel with cream cheese. And don't take too fucking long." Luke smiled, slapping a five dollar bill on the counter and finding a seat before the woman could even tell him the price. 

About two minutes later, the woman hurriedly came out of the cafe's kitchen and gave Luke his bagel. He looked up at her, glaring.

"Where is my change?" He spat.

"O-oh, I didn't know think you wanted it because you s-sat down. One second!" The woman stuttered, rushing back to the cash register.

"Whatever. You can keep it." Luke huffed, waving his hand dismissively. 

The woman nodded confusedly, and kept quiet.

Luke took half of his bagel and took a big bite out of it. Right before he went to swallow, his teeth bit down on something hard. 

"What the fuck?" Luke choked, spitting out whatever it was into his hand.

His eyes widened when he saw the mood ring sitting in his hand. Luke stared at it in shock for a couple moments, and shrugged. 

"Okay, you weird piece of shit. I guess you want me to keep you." Luke grumbled, slipping the ring back on. 

With perfect timing, the same Ding! chimed through the cafe, and the ring turned from black to purple.



okay okay so yeah you can assume that it's michael or i mean maybe it's calum or ashton and luke is in love with every member of 5sos!!!!! same!!!!

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