chapter two

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why did the scarecrow win an award?

because he was out-standing in his field!!!! GDSGHHAHAHAHAHHA


Luke shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to rid of the goosebumps that formed exactly where Michael’s breath hit Luke’s neck. 

“Alcohol,” Luke sighed, looking at the setting sun. “I need alcohol.”

It wasn’t surprising that Luke came to this conclusion. He hated emotions, and alcohol just kind of… made them stop working.

He turned around, walking to the nearest club and cursing when he saw the line of slutty underaged girls trying to seduce their way in.

He furrowed his brows, smirking when he remembered the back exit. Sure, it wasn’t easy to access – a few fences that needed to be jumped, and decent lock-picking skills were required – but it would take way less time. Plus, less people would be involved.

Luke effortlessly hopped over the steel fence, laughing at the “WARNING: ELECTRIC FENCE!” sign. That shit was stupid.

He pulled out a paperclip from his pocket, and smoothly unlocked the door. After walking down a short hallway, he was in.

The club was full of hopeless people. The kinds of people who wasted their lives away on partying, focusing solely on immediate pleasure that meaningless sex could bring them.

Sure, Luke wasn’t a role model, but he sure wasn’t that useless.

He was smart.

He knew how to blend in, how to observe. He never missed anything.

“Hey.” Luke heard a familiar voice speak into a young woman’s ear.

Okay, maybe he didn’t see Michael. But there were a lot of people; it was understandable.

Luke stood in the dark, watching as Michael chatted up the lady. She was obviously into him; she was purposely showing him her cleavage and would not keep her hands off of him.

She was really, really disgusting.

Pure filth.

Luke glanced down, being distracted by his mood ring. It glowed a bright red – anger.

Anger? He wasn’t even angry. The only thing he could be angry about would be that girl, and the only reason he’d be angry would be because of…. whatever.

The ring was bullshit.

Luke clenched his jaw and Michael took the lady’s hand and walked off with his lips on her neck.

It was really starting to piss him off that the ring just started to glow a brighter and brighter red.

He really needed that alcohol.


An hour later, Luke was beyond wasted, and beyond confused.

His head snaps up when he hears the voice… again.

Michael, with freshly messed-up hair, was back at the club. Looking for a new lady. He talked to a few, but kept moving on.

However, just like Luke, he didn’t look like the average guy. He was observing every single person and calculating their every move.

Michael must do… this a lot. Did that mean he was addicted?

Was he a sex addict?

Luke brushed off the thought, blaming his drunken mind for coming up with such absurd conclusions.

Yet as the night went on, Luke’s suspicions grew.

He counted.

Michael went through five women that night. Is that even possible?

Luke ignored the mood ring, which had faded to a somber black. Sadness, depression.

The blonde boy slipped out of sight, leaving before he had to pay anything. He didn’t need to see the vile boy again.



idk I’ll make a goal

goal: 25 comments, 25 votes 

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