726 miles isn't so bad

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Britney's POV: Today is a big day for me, today's the day that Anthony and I will actually get to meet in person, I'm really excited but I'm also nervous at the same time. What will her parents think of Anthony? What will his parents think of Britney?

Britney to parents: I'm really nervous, what if you don't like Anthony?

Britney's mom: oh trust me we will honey! by the way you've been talking about him, he seems like a really great guy.

Britney's dad: if you're happy with him, then we are too sweetheart!

Britney: I love you guys.

Britney's mom: we will always love you Brit.

Britney's dad: we will love you more then anyone ever will.

After they get all packed, Britney, her parents and her little brother Randy are on their way to Montgomery.

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