telling our parents the BIG news

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Britney takes her phone off the charger and dials her mom

on the phone Britney's mom:

(B=Britney) (BM=Britney's Mom)

B: hey mom

BM: hey sweetheart, how are you doing?

B: I'm good, but I have to tell you something and it's not the easiest thing to say

BM: you can tell me ANYTHING sweetheart. I'm your mother

B: well mom, remember how I moved in Anthony?

BM: did he dump you?

B: No, um well.. I'm pregnant

BM: aww, I'm going to be a grandma

B: yes, I'm excited. I feel like I can actually trust Anthony!

BM: that's great honey!

BD: so your mom tells me you're pregnant

B: yes I am dad and I'm really excited. I feel like I can actually trust him.

BD: look at you! you used to be daddy's little girl. but now you're growing up

B: aw dad, no matter how old I get, I'll always be your little girl.

B: well it's getting late and I'm getting tired. I love you mom. I love you dad

BM: I love you too sweetheart

BD: I love you too honey

phone call ends.

the next day.... Britney meets up with her best friend Skylar and Skylar's little sister Rosalie

(B= Britney) (S= Skylar) (R=Rosalie)

B: OMG, Rosalie, Skylar!!

S: OMG Brit, it's been forever

B: I know sis

R: yes sis

B to R: I missed you the most beautiful

B: well, Anthony got me pregnant lol

S: OMG! I'm so happy for you two

S: Meanwhile Rosalie got a boyfriend

B: really hun? what's your mans name?

R: His name is Jackson

B: aww, how cute

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