water breaking, losing sleep and a OBGYN visit

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alarm clock sounds*

Britney reaches up and turns it off.


I'm up, I'm up. What do you need baby?

I think it's time!

So Anthony and Britney get dressed and Anthony drives to the hospital

Receptionist: Hello, how may I assist you two today?

Britney: yes, I'm pregnant and I think it's time for my baby to come and I NEED to see my doctor!

Receptionist: oh congratulations!! what's your doctor's name hun?

Britney: Dr. Kathleen Smith

Receptionist: I will let her know you're..

receptionist gets interrupted by a voice from a distance

Britney!! the voice sounds like it's approaching and come closer and closer just to find out it's Britney's doctor, Dr. Smith

Britney: good morning Dr. Smith

Dr. Smith: lets get you into a room ASAP!

Anthony: thanks so much Dr. Smith

Dr. Smith: hey! that's my job to care for each and every one of my patients

Dr. S: this is going to be the room where you deliver your baby

Anthony, there's a couch you can sit on over here.

Britney: thank you so much Dr. Smith

Anthony: yeah we truly appreciate it

Dr. Smith: oh anytime, not a problem!

Britney falls asleep in bed and Anthony falls asleep on the couch not long after...

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