Author's Note/About The Author

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I am Ashley Hooper, author of Distance is just a number when it comes to love. I would like to take this time to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a average 17 year old girl from a small town in Missouri called Hannibal. I enjoy writing so I thought Wattpad was a perfect match for me. I write different genres of books. I am a senior at Hannibal High School this year. I am also open to maybe new friends so hit me up in the comments section if you would like to be friends,(friends only, because I have a boyfriend), or add me on Facebook (Ashley Leighanne Hooper)

Add me on snapchat as well: built70

Instagram? sexydrug_17

and if you have a suggestion on what genre I should write next just let me know

I hope I didn't offend anyone who has been pregnant by the following chapters of my book

the sleepover/I'm pregnant?

birth of a beautiful baby girl

I realize you can't be pregnant the day after you and your partner are sexually active. I didn't even think about how it would affect females who were pregnant and has gone through the experience or have had a miscarriage... This story was meant for my readers to enjoy and was NOT intended to be offensive or disrespectful. If the way I wrote the story was offensive or disrespectful to you, I am truly sorry and sincerely apologize..

thanks for reading Distance Is Just A Number When It Comes To Love. I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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