Meeting of Anthony and Britney after dating of 6 years

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Britney calls Anthony, the phone call was like this..

Britney: "hey babe, we are in Montgomery, what's your address again

Anthony: "hey baby girl, that's great news! my address is 8782 Blackberry Avenue, Montgomery, AL

Britney: "thanks babe, be there soon!

Anthony: "alright baby. I love you

Britney: "I love you too baby!"

phone call ends and they are on their way to drop Britney off at Anthony's house

Britney *knocks on the door*

Britney was appalled to see Anthony standing in the doorway when the door opened.

Anthony: "there's my beautiful baby girl"

Britney: "hi baby!" it's so nice to actually meet each other in person finally after dating for 6 years

Anthony: "how in the hell did I put up with you that long

Britney shoots him a glares

Anthony has a look of depression.

Anthony: "baby, you know I'm kidding

Britney: "I know you are baby"

Clara: "Brit, honey, your father and I talked and we trust Anthony, so you can move in if you want to.

Britney: " I plan on it mom

Randy starts to tear up... "Britney, noooo!

Britney: "what's wrong bubby?"

Randy: you've been there with me for 18 years and now you're moving sis"

Randy stops crying because he remembers that his sister drives.

Britney: "bubby, I drive, I will come visit I promise.

Brit gives Randy a hug.

Britney to Randy: "I love you little dude, I always will

Randy to Britney: "I love you too big sis"

Brit to Clara and Jase: "I love you guys so much, I will visit again. I love you guys

Clara and Jase to Britney: "We love you too, you are always welcome at home honey!!

Britney: "Little dude, you have my number, text me everyday

Randy, Clara and Jase pile back into the car and head home

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