chapter two: meeting, hating, & smiling

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Acacia's POV

"Selena! Acacia!" I hear a squeal come from behind. Selena's and I look at each in horrid expressions, "Oh- We thought you couldn't make it.." we both say with a fake smile and enthusiasm. "I had to go get a new fresh set of claws for meeting hayes of course!" she says showing us her perfectly designed nails. "Hayes is going to love them!" she squeals.

-After listen to Brittany go on about hayes loving her, we make it to the front of the line-

"Move out of the way, he needs to see me first!" she complains from behind. Selena and I huff, but still make way for her to move her big but in front of us. "Next!" The security guard yells as Brittany's heels click towards Hayes' direction. She gives him a hug, and he smiles at her in horror. It's like he could smell her cheap perfume from a mile away. They get an quick photo and soon it's Selena's turn.

As soon as Selena comes in contact with hayes, I instantly feel the nerves kicking in. "It's my turn next" I mutter under my breath. I exhale to release the breath I've been holding in the whole time. I can't wait to hug him and feel his warm embrace. "Next! Come on!" The security guard pressures, as he pulls me out of my day dream. Before I know it I'm in hayes' arms as he tightly secures them around my waist.

He slides his hand off my waist & places it on my back, I turn around the face the camera and smile with a big toothy grin. "Okay smile!" the photographer says. "Next photo!" he smiles and hayes kisses me on the cheek. I smile as he does so. I thank him and as I walk off I feel a tug on my arm. He spins me around and gives me one last hug. As he does he slips a note into my hand and whispers in my ear. "It was nice meeting you beautiful." My mind slips away as his voice says those soft words.

My whole heart begins to flutter as my feet begin to move of the platform. I look to she Selena smiling like a mad man, and Brittany looking down at her nails. "OH MY GOD!" Selena screams and grabs me. "He actually hugged you! And kissed your cheek!" She comments as he touches the spot he kissed. "I know.." I say in disbelief.

"Oh- what's that?" Brittany smirks. "I don't know.." I trail off and begin to open when it's snatched out of my hands. "Oh looks like hayes wants to meet me after the event is over!" she squeals in her annoying voice. "I guess he loves me after all." she walks away to a place I don't really care where. "It's okay Acacia," she pats my back "we all know she is the wicked witch of the west." She sneers as I crack a chuckle. "Let's go meet cam okay?" "Okay."

We start walking away over to cams booth, which doesn't have that big of a line as people are starting to leave. "Okay, you ready? I ask her as cam is her favorite out of them all. She breaths out "yeah I think so!" she smiles as we take another step forward. "Don't worry!" I laugh as we take another step forward. "Next please!" I hear the security guard yell. "That's you!" I smile and push her forward. She turns turns around to me while she is walking and gives me a glare. She walks up the steps.

Cam stares at her like no tomorrow, he never does this. Normally he just smiles and sits for the next girl. But he is staring at her, I can literally see the sparks flying between the two of them. She smiles and he smiles back. He opens his arms and she goes into them. He picks her up a little bit and you can she the crease I her jacket as he pulls her closer.

He turns her around for the photo and kisses her cheek. She laughs and the the flash of the camera blinds my eyes. I run around to the other side where Selena would walk off. I stand there and she her brown hair come down the small steps. "SELENA!" I scream and jump on her. "Did you see the way he looked at you! He never does that!" I explain and scream at her. She laughs and denies everything.


Hope you guys enjoy it!

-D & L xxooxoxoxoxoxox

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