Chapter 6

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Selena's POV

"Sel, can we please go." Acacia pleads with crying eyes. "Yeah sure lets go." I rub her back as she walks out the door to get her stuff. I walk behind her as we enter the Grier's room. To my surprise acacia walks straight past Hayes and Brittany. Hayes and Brittany both stare at me. "Im just here with acacia." I awkwardly say and swing my hands behind my back.

Just stay quiet and they wont hear you, i think. Hey, that would be some good lyrics. I go to pull out my book from my bag, but its not in there. "Where could it be?" i whisper as i continue to pull out every object in my bag, I start to panic. "ACACIA! HURRY UP LETS GO!" i yell as i pack my things away and frantically walk in circles. "Im coming!" she yells back, and soon she joins me. I push her out the door, "woah!" She says as she trips over her bags and falls to the ground.

"Whoops, sorry." i giggle and help her up. "Yeah, its okay" she gives me a small smile. "Lets go back to the pool before we leave, i think i left something there." i say and walk into the elevator. "Yep okay."

Cams POV

I decide to take the stairs cause the elevator was being rude and taking to long to come to the pool level. I knock on the Grier's door, and Hayes answers it. "Hey bro" he starts. "Hey! um have you seen Selena? i cant find her anywhere." I ask. He breaths out, "her and acacia just left to go home." I stare at him in confusion. "Why?" i start to get mad, they wouldn't just leave. "I dont know!" Hayes says and shuts the door.

I huff and open up Selena's book to the first page. Name, Birthday, E-mail, Address. ADDRESS. "Yes!" i jump up and down and close the book. "I can't let this one slip away." I whisper as i get in my car.

Selenas POV

I guess I'm doing this for Acacia, but i will miss Cam, a lot, i might even like him more then just a friend. WAIT, no, theres nothing going on between Cam and I. Im just another fan. I cant tell Acacia that i like him. "No Selena you don't like him!" I say a little to loud. "Who don't you like?" Acacia asks. "Oh nobody just lyrics to a song" I lie. He was probably just being nice, being the gentleman that he is known for. Besides, this is better then having my heart broken again. I lean against my window, and let the music fill my ears.

~We make it home by 5pm & we both enter my house.~

"Orange or Apple?" Acacia asks as she holds up the two different juices. "Orange, and I'm ordering pizza!" I yell, and pick up the phone. "Hi, could i please get two meat lovers pizzas." i say into the phone. "Yes, that would be $15 in total." The lady replies. "Thanks!" i say into the phone and click the end button.

I sit down on the couch and look down at my phone, scrolling through my twitter. "@CameronDallas Hey guys! So i cant come to this meet & greet cause i kinda have something to do. Sorry, but this is important. love you guys! x" Cameron cancelled? Why would he-


"I'll get it!" i yell to Acacia as i run to the door, excited and hungry for my pizza. I open it, to see Cam standing there, i cant see his face, it will just break my heart and feelings more. "Well you're not the pizza man." I say and close the door.


I ring the door bell and stand there nervously. I hear a voice and the door opens. I smile and see that its Selena. "Well you're not the pizza man." she says and closes the door. Well then.

I knock on the door. "C'mon Selena! i have something for you." I say through the wood separating us. She opens the door. "Cameron thanks for being nice, but i am just another fan, I met you and its over now. I appreciate you being nice to me and all but I know there is nothing actually between us. You wouldn't want someone like me anyway." She begins to shut the door but i put my foot in the way, stopping it.

"You are more then just a fan to me." I say honestly. She is perfect in every single way. "Then why hide it from the fans then?" she says bluntly, not buying that im practically IN LOVE WITH HER. "I didn't want the fans to-" I get cut off. "When we went out for the ice cream and you kept flirting. Why wouldn't you want to tell anybody? Why hide that to not just your fans but your friends? If you really liked me after all the dates we went on, why not say something?! Am I not good enough to be seen dating Cameron Dallas" She explains, tears forming in her eyes.

So Selena and I went on a date every night for the two weeks she stayed with us. I never told anyone and I told her not to tell anyone about us. Every night I would tell her how much I like her and how special she is to me, how I wanted to tell everyone about her even though I never did. "The fans get all weird they would get mad and give me hate, you too!" I say, I'm and idiot this shouldn't be about the fans, I know just of them would be supportive. "I really like you and I want to make this work." I speak again, looking her in the eyes. "But Cameron, there's one thing your not understanding." She laughs like it's a joke. "We can't be together if you say how much you like me but you never want to show it. I can't sneak around with you. If there even is such thing as a relationship between us, then you shouldn't be hiding it." She says and I know she is right.

Selelna POV

He looks at me. Suddenly butterflies are crawling up my hand as he reaches for it. I look down at it, he looks at my lips. He starts to lean in, and so do I, I know I shouldn't but I do. He hovers over my lips, so they just touch. His hand moves from my hand to my cheek. He pushes my head forward ever so slightly so our lips connect. I take my hand and move it to around his neck and wrap my arms around him as we continue to kiss.

He moves away and we look at each other, he smirks and goes in for another kiss.

Cameron POV

I pull her in for another kiss as I quickly take out my phone and snap a photo of us kissing. I pull away and show her. She laughs and says "what are you going to do with that?" "Post it to twitter." I quickly say. "Selena, would you be my girlfriend?" I say in a british accent. "Of course sir." She giggles doing her best british accent and I pull her in for another kiss that my body loves the feeling of.

"I have your lyric book." i say and take it out from behind me, so it becomes into her view. Her eyes go wide. "You didn't read it did you?!" She nearly yells and snatches the book from my grasp. "no.." i lie, i don't want to make her upset, again.

"Good," she breaths out.

I open up twitter and post the photo I took of us kissing with the caption. "I couldn't let this one slip away. @SelenaGomez"


ASDFGHJKL new chapter

Sorry for later update

We have had exams all week and it's stressful!

So next chapter will be more about Acacia and Hayes


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We love you 💜💜

L and D

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