Chapter 3

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Clarke's POV

After I had sex her, she fell asleep. A few minutes went by and I got out of bed. Suddenly a knock on her hut door woke her up. She got dressed and looked over at me "stay here I will be right back" she left the room. I got dressed as I listened to the door open.

I read the minds of the guy in the other room. He wanted to find me. "Hello can I help you" Nyla asked "you know why we are here, where is she" the guy demanded. Nyla shook her head " I don't know where she is" the guy pulled a knife out and pulled Nyla to his body "come out now or she dies". I wanted to kill him but I could end up endangering Nyla more.

So I walk out of her bedroom and towards the to guy. "I'll come with you just let her go" he let her go and grabbed me. The guy restrained me with a rope and tied it behind my back. We left the hut.

The guy and I walk through the woods. I could easily snapped the rope and sink my teeth into him, but I didn't I want to deal with this with killing innocents anymore. I was tired of killing innocent people, I was tired of being a monster. I look at the guys face as we kept walking "what is your name?" I asked him "Roan, I am prince of Azkeda" he said.  "Where are you taking me?" "To Polis, to Heda" "No!" I stop dead in my tracks.

I break free from my ropes and push Roan to the ground. He looks up at me and I put my foot on him, he struggles. "It is pointless to resist, stop" he stops and looks at me again. I was about to kill him, but then I got an idea. I had fantasized killing Lexa and now I can "tell the commander that if she wants the power of Wanheda then she has to come and get me" I said. I let him up and he just stared at me "go!". He ran back there.

(Time skip)
Lexa's POV

I sit on my throne and think of Clarke. I miss her and she has been missing for 5 months now. No sign of her anywhere. I sent Roan to capture her and bring her to me, he is the best hunter I know, but it has been a week since I sent him to bring Clarke to me.

I hear a knock on the throne room door. I tell them to enter. It is Roan, but not with Clarke. "Heda I saw Wanheda, but she was to strong she said that if you want her come and get her" Roan said. I got up from my throne and told the sentries to take Roan to a cell.

If no one can capture Clarke then I have to do it myself. I left the room.

Hello everyone and happy new year.

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