Chapter Forty- Three

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Aiden had fallen asleep in the back of the car, leaving me and Ethan in a sort of awkward silence.

I just looked out my side window, my thought were having a battle in my mind. Killer, Coward, evil, arse hole (about my self being an arsehole and Ethans actual arse hole, hormones are awful) but the main one word, the word that seemed to winning the battle.


I knew what had to be done, and I did it. 

I may not done it in a nice a way, but I did it.

Pete and Brad didn't need to die, heck I would have preferred it if they were still in this car with us. 

But what Aiden said earlier was right, family comes first and if anyone threatens that, even slightly we have to protect each other.

"We are running low of petrol." Ethan said, breaking the silence.

I looked at the fuel level and saw s little red circle lit up. "Is there not enough to get us back?" I asked somewhat hopefully.

He shook his head, "Fuck." I said. 

"I have the hose in my bag, we will siphon some." He said stopping the car.

Ethan walked over to the window that Aiden's head rested on, about to wake him up.

"Leave him, let him sleep. Get me the hose a bottle and I will siphon while you stand watch."

He nodded and got out his bag from the boot, retrieving his hose and bottle. Then he walked over to the fuel cap and opened the little door.

"Okay, the car is petrol so make sure you get petrol." He said, I nodded. Something felt off about us.

Ethan got out his hand gun and stood guard by the car.

I walked about 7 seconds to the closest car, if you are stood on a road you will never be more than a minute away from an abandoned car.

I opened the little door and it said petrol in yellow writing, I opened the cap and put in the hose. then sucking out the fuel and sticking the hose into the bottle.

I filled it and walked back to the car emptying the bottle into the tank, then repeating the process 4 times.

"That will do." Ethan said.

He put away the gear then went to go back to the driving seat, but I stopped him.

"What is wrong with you? I know I have fucked up, and I feel shit enough I need you to be by my side." I state.

He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. "I am always by your side, you should know that. You didn't fuck up you did what needed to be done. I'm just sick of people dying, I'm sick of watching people die." he sighed.

I pulled him into a hug, which led to a kiss. It was short, mainly because we both had terrible breath but it was just what I needed.

"I love you."

"I love you too, forever."

We both resumed our seats in the car and drove away, I looked at the fuel level and saw it was about three quarters full.

The drive was boring, although we had a little moment back there and I knew we were good, neither one of us felt like talking.

The awkward silence became a comfortable silence, and it stayed that way till we arrived in the town were our base was.

My window was opened a little, and the closer we got the stronger a smell of death became. making me nervous.

A few flesh eaters littered the streets, far apart but walking in the same direction, the same direction we were going.

"Something is wrong." Aiden said, I don't know how long he had been awake, but what he said was right.

We got closer, and closer until the main gate was in view. 

It was open.

And zombies were suddenly everywhere.

"Shit." Aiden said, the first time I had ever heard my little brother swear.

"Shit indeed." I responded.

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