Chat Blanc

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Today is my birthday and today I didn't seem so happy. Oh right, it was one of those day when my mother would sing me happy birthday. Tears started to form in my eyes. 

I ate my breakfast in silence and walked to to limo to take me to school. When I got there I saw the love of my life. I walked to her. 

She looked at me and saw my tears. "Adrien, What happened?" Mari asked me. "Nothing, I just miss my mother." I told her and walked to class. 


I felt bad for Adrien, his mother had disappeared. I then got an idea. I texted Alya, Nino, and my parents to plan a surprise party for Adrien. They agreed to the idea and I called Mr. Agreste to see If it was okay and he said yes. 

We are going to have it at my house at 7:00 p.m sharp after school. I smiled at my idea and skipped off to class. 


I skipped class and turned into Chat Noir and left. I swung to the Eiffel tower and looked at the view and burst into tears. Then all of my memories came flooding back. 


6 year old Adrien was running around playing with his mother playing games on his birthday. Emilie finally caught him and tickled his tummy. Adrien burst out into giggles. 

Then they celebrated his 6th birthday. 

When he turned 10 years. 

Adrien sat in his room looking at a family photo album. He saw a picture of a woman with short, blue hair, warm blue eyes, and a kind and caring smile. She was right next to his mother in the picture. 

He flipped the picture over and saw handwriting on the back. It said "Sabine Du-pain and Emile." Adrien took the picture and closed the book. 

He saw his mother in a chair reading a book. "Mother, who is this woman with you in the picture?" Adrien asked. "That is my old friend Sabine." Emilie answered looking at the 10 year old. 

When he was 14 years old

Adrien was in his room waiting for his mother to enter and tell him Happy Birthday. But the door opened to reveal Gabriel. 

"Adrien, you shouldn't hold your breath waiting for your mother." He said. "What do you mean, Father?" Adrien asked. "You're mother... she disappeared." Gabriel said tears forming in his eyes. 

Then he left. Adrien stood in his room. He his eyes had tears starting to be released. Adrien then feel to the floor sobbing hard. Then he squeezed his eyes shut and screamed. 

Memories end here... 

Chat Noir started screaming and crying. Meanwhile Hawkmoth heard his wails and sorrow. "Ah, Chat Noir is feeling a very rare emotion... sadness and fear." He caught a butterfly and turned it evil. 

"Fly away my little akuma and evilize Chat Noir." Hawkmoth said. The akuma flew to Chat Noir and landed on his bell. 

"Hello, Chat Blanc, I am Hawkmoth." Hawkmoth started to say "I'm giving the power to protect your love from harm and heartbreak, in return Ladybug's and your miraculous." 

"No, I-I can't I l-love her." Chat try to fight back but failed the darkness consumed his pure soul. 

"I love you, Marinette, and I will make sure you're safe." Chat Blanc said and kept off to her house. 

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