Chapter 1

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV

Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember nothing is true.

3000 years ago a creed was created to protect humanity and our freedom.

Where other men are limited by morality or law remember everything is permitted.

They fought those who would take our freedom for their own fortune and gain.

We work in the shadows to serve the light.

Yet when Quirks came they disappeared into the shadows of history, nothing more than a whisper of the wind.


I remember it all. Deku had just gotten back from the doctor, I found him crying under a tree. His salty tears being lost in the rain pouring from the heavens.

"Tch, what are you doing here Deku?"


"Yeah it's me ya nerd, now tell me why are you crying?"

"The d-d-doctor, he s-said t-t-that I-I-I was Q-q-q-quirkless!" With each sniffle and stutter his eyes lost the brightness that burned in them, they kept dimming with each tear dripping from his eyes. Suddenly an explosion rang through the street, the damn nerd looked up at me as if it was me, until he realised I wasn't powerful enough to do it yet. We both turned to look down the street and saw it! Deku's apartment building was in flames and debris flew down on to the street. I heard Deku gasp I turned to him and saw a look of horror on his face, the same look formed on mine when I realised what floor had the most flames, his floor! He jumped with an urge and sprinted down the street as fast as his legs could but stopped when the screeching of tires cut through the panic. A white van appeared in front of Deku, the door opened revealing several hooded people, one reached out and grabbed Deku as soon as he did the van raced off leaving the only sound, police sirens, screams and my own sobs. His mother's body was discovered, burned into a large chunk of charcoal, no one believed me when I told them of the van so they presumed he died in the fire as well. Some nights I wonder if what I saw was real, but they have to because otherwise why is he here at my training camp! White robes, a discarded hood, dim emerald eyes and black green hair and currently slashing at a masked man wearing a top hat.



I woke up in a dim room trying to figure out what happened and why I'm here when it all comes flooding back in, the doctor, the apartment, the van and Kacchan... . Suddenly a loud clang rips through my thought and I see the last face I ever thought to see in this... interrogation/dungeon? Large and bulky, pale skin, chiselled jaw line, bright emerald eyes and a mop of black hair with light yet present green highlights.

"Dad?" His stare meets mine, his face reads of grief and his eyes red from tears.

"Izuku... I need to tell you something." He explained that he was a trained assassin in an ancient brotherhood who fought a group known as Templars for the future of mankind and how those same Templars killed my mother by rigging our apartment building with explosives.

"B-b-but why? W-w-why w-w-would they d-do that?"

"Because of you, Izuku."


"You're special Izuku, see there once was a race of god-like beings that ruled this planet before us, we call them precursors, some decided to have families with the first humans creating a half breed. As the millennium went by individuals fought for these Precursor's ancient artefacts, Pieces of Eden yet those who found such treasures had one common trait, high amounts of Precursor DNA. When quirks arrived our Brotherhood went through many changes to cope with such a change in human evolution yet a trend was noticed, those born without a quirk had 50% chance to have high Precursor DNA. Izuku you are one such person and when the results went in to the Medical Database the Templars went to eliminate you, since you are a threat to them."

"O-o-ok, why a-am I h-h-here?"

"Because they were right to fear you Izuku, for we The Assassins will train you to become the Greatest Assassin and bring the end of The Templars tyranny in Japan once and for all. But first you must agree to our Creed."


"Of course, for without rules we would be no better than the Templars. Now repeat after me Izuku. Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember nothing is true."

"Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember nothing is true."

"Where other men are limited by morality or law remember everything is permitted."

"Where other men are limited by morality or law remember everything is permitted."

"We work in the shadows to serve the light."

"We work in the shadows to serve the light."

"Good now lets get to work." I spent many years of my life training in the compound and in The Animus where I lived the life of my ancestors, my favourite was the life of Hanzo Hitsugaya, a samurai in Feudal Japan who joined the Brotherhood after his village was destroyed by the Templars while they were looking for The Sword of Eden. Emotionally detached from the world when his family was butchered by Templars he never lost his morality and found a new family in the Brotherhood and protected The Sword with his life eventually sending it to the French Brotherhood. Due to my training in the Animus and my hi Precursor DNA I gained the Eagle Sense, an ability used by the greatest Assassins in history, a power of sorts that allows my to see what cannot be seen, feel that that cannot be felt and hear that that is well sorta hard to hear. On my tenth birthday I officially joined the Brotherhood, it seemed that when they shifted into the quirk era they brought some forgotten tradition with them, including the removal of the ring finger, cant say it was the best birthday I had. But it was all about to pay off right now. My sixteenth birthday, the day I receive my first solo mission. I stand before the Council all wearing their ornate robes and hoods, all standing at a semicircle table with the Creeds' Insignia painted on the floor.

"Brother Midoriya, on this day the Japanese Council of the Brotherhood of Assassins tasks you with the Mission of infiltrating UA Hero Academy and discovering the location of The Piece of Eden hidden on campus before the Templars do. This is a critical mission and though only a novice in our ranks many believe you are destined to complete this mission but remember the Brotherhood is a 3000 year old secret and as such your identity and the Brotherhood must remain a secret from everyone, however should the need arise that you must disclose said information you must inform a member of the Council, preferably not your farther who is out of town on an assignment. One last thing Midoriya, the Council has deemed you will still participate and regular assignments to keep your honing your skills. Remember," The whole council started speaking in unison, "Where other men blindly follow the truth remember..."

"Nothing is true." I answer back.

"Where other men are limited by morality or law remember..."

"Everything is permitted."

"Very well, your mission begins now."

This is not how I expected to spend my high school years.

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