Chapter 4

775 24 14

"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV


Well this I just amazing. Right now I'm sitting in Nedzu's Office while he has gone to brew some tea and when he comes back expects me to answer some 'questions' probably like 'Hey Izuku why were you spying on us in a meeting that was discussing a villains attack?'.


Ok, deep breaths Izuku. Alright that's better, looking at my phone I've noticed that The Council has sent a message saying that I have clearance to inform Nedzu and any of those that Nedzu truly trusts on my mission and The Brotherhood. Suddenly I hear the door swing open revealing Nedzu, a sickly looking blonde and a trench coat fedora man walk into the room.

"Alright Izuku lets begin, first off why were you spying on the meeting?" Nedzu begins the interrogation.

"First off Nedzu, you must first make sure that you can trust these two men with your life and that everything that is said in here stays in here, otherwise none of you shall see the next morning."

"Idle threats from a boy do not scare me kid." The fedora man speaks up now.

"Trust me, that is no threat but a promise if these secrets leave here." I look over at Nedzu and see him nod confirmation.

"Very well, I was spying on the meeting to gather information for my mission to infiltrate UA."

"So you're a villain than." The blonde man began to stand up, well luckily none of these guys could match me, the only person at UA that could beat me would be All Mi- OH SHIT. The Blonde guy started expanding until he turned into All Might!

"NO! I am not a villain." Nedzu and All Might turned to look at fedora man and see him nod. Nedzu looked back.

"Alright than who do you work for?"

"That is a complicated question, first I must explain something else. Over 6000 years ago there were a race of beings that ruled the Earth, to us they were Gods, we called them the Precursors. When they created humans they invented many artefacts to keep us in lines. But a solar flare wiped out the majority of the Precursors leaving only a few Precursors and a few thousands humans. During this cataclysmic event the artefacts known as Pieces of Eden were lost. However, 3000 years ago an Egyptian cult found a Piece of Egypt and with the help of Julius Caesar, they created The Templar Order. The Templars strived to locate and use the Pieces of Eden to strip humans of our freedom and make us mindless drones to serve them, yet there were another group that learned of the Pieces of Eden and the Templars' plan and decided to oppose their tyrannical plots through time while locating them and sealing them away. This group is called The Brotherhood of Assassins and have been defending the free will of humanity around the world for thousands of years. From Renaissance Italy to Feudal Japan to Jerusalem Crusades and even Industrial Revolution England. I am one of these Assassins and was born to that of an Assassin. I was given my mission to infiltrate UA and discover the location of a Piece of Eden that is hidden on campus." The three men looked stunned but none more than the man with the fedora.

"H-h-he is telling the truth!"

"Are you serious Naomasa?" All Might replied


"See that all you say is true, why were you chosen to partake in such a serious mission Hitsugaya?"

"The Council believed it to be my destiny."

"Why is that?"

"Well after the Solar Flare, few Precursors bred with the humans hoping to create a hybrid, as time passed individuals would appear with high amounts of Precursor DNA, and these people usually were those who found Pieces of Eden. Yet as the world progressed to the Era of Quirks those who born without a quirk have a 50% chance to be one of those who have high Precursor DNA. I am one of these people."

"But I thought you said they were quirkless?"

"Correct, I am quirkless. What I pretend my quirk is nothing but a trait given to those who have large amounts of Precursor DNA."

"Very well than, but why spy on our meeting, as far as I can tell it doesn't relate to any of the matters stated."

"But it does, the man was that of the Templars and as such most likely are the villains that plan to attack tomorrow under the guise to kill All Might, while they search for the Piece. However now you know this I ask that you allow my Brotherhood to deal with them as we have for millennia's before."

"And what will you do to them?"

"There is a reason we are called Assassins." At this All Might stood up.

"Killing of criminals and senseless violence makes you no better than criminals and Templar-" In a rage I smash Nedzu's desk cutting off All Might.

"How dare you compare us to them and common crooks. Unlike them we have a creed and code we live by. 'Where other man blindly follow the truth remember that nothing is true. Where are other man are limited by morality or law remember that everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light.' That is our creed, that is our Brotherhood. It has how we worked for thousands of years and how we will continue to work until the Templars are exterminated. These are the beliefs that have preserved our free will as long as history has existed, for you to pass judgement on these beliefs is the equivalent of judging peoples religions. So I warn you All Might, in The Brotherhood's eyes you are already a threat to society if you continue to criticize us any further you will find yourself in the next life." I realised my hands were already reaching for my weapons so after taking a deep breath I readjust my posture and turn away from All Might and look back at Nedzu.

"Look in all honesty, no matter what you say The Brotherhood will send fighters to take out the Templars, I was simply asking out of formality. I hope you remember the part where this conversation didn't happen understand?" I stand up and drop a smoke bomb before throwing a knife at the window and running towards the now broken window before preforming a leap of faith, half way down I sent my grappling hook back up to the roof where I entered the passage and went back to my Sanctuary.


After the smoke had cleared all three of the rooms inhabitants looked around noticing Hitsugaya was gone.

"Well, that wasn't exactly how I thought it would play out. Assassins, Templars, Precursors and a Piece of Eden on campus. I am curious how I haven't notice such a long war going on through the entirety of History. So you are sure everything he said was true Naomasa." After being answered with a curt nod Nedzu looked over to the deflated All Might.

"Alright, Yagi tomorrow you and the rest of the UA Staff will set up an ambush for the villains and the Assassins. Make sure Aizawa takes the kids to ensure it seems that the trip is proceeding properly. For tomorrow we will arrest the Templars, Assassins and villains and get some answers." After finishing explaining Nedzu decided to head home oblivious to the small flashing device under his desk, a standard issue Assassin Bug. Izuku quickly contacted the Council and began planning their own ambush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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