Chapter 3

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV


After school I headed back to the Sanctuary and started researching all the Pieces of Eden recorded in Japan so I can get an idea of what I'm looking. First of all It can't be the sword since that is still in the French Catacombs according to the Paris Sanctuary and as far as we can tell all Apples in Japan are already in our vault leaving me with nothing but dead ends so I decided to hit the gym to blow off some steam.


I arrive an hour early so I can get some investigating out of the way using my Eagle Vision. I start on the first floor corridors finding nothing until I notice a small carving in the wall I look closer to see the Assassin Symbol, after a while I found a trail of the symbols leading to the back of the library and found a large dusty book with a black leather cover and binding, on its spine was the following in Latin: 'Work in the dark to serve the light.' Pulling on the book I hear a loud click and low and behold I watch as the bookcase pops open revealing a dim room. Using my Eagle Vision I find some candles and matches and discovered that the room is a small Sanctuary equipped with a bed, weights and numerous of books all discussing Pieces of Eden and or previous Assassins, from Aya to Edward and each about their run in with the mysterious pieces of Eden, after looking through the room for what felt a lifetime I realized that in a matter of minutes the bell was to ring signalling the start of Homeroom, so I rushed off after locking the room back up and dashed to Homeroom just before the bell rang.

At lunch I returned to my pseudo Sanctuary and after a little more investigating discovered that this place was made by Edgeshot during his tenure here at UA it seems that when he was still at UA he had his own suspicions about a POE (Piece of Eden) being on campus but he came up short. After a little more snooping I found a passage to off campus allowing entrance to and fro without being seen. Perfect!


Right now the class was waiting for our Heroics teacher when none other than ALL MIGHT bust in the door. This is amazing, see the Brotherhood itself has conflicting views on All Might, some believe he is worst than the Templars by placing everyone under the façade that he can save everyone and that everyone is safe and happy, while the rest believe he is simply The Symbol of Peace whose heroic actions stop multiple Templar plans without realizing it. I myself am what one would call a fanboy of All Might so I was elated by his presence, so much so that I didn't realise that I was in the locker room. My outfit was that of a tribute to some prior Assassins, the design itself was that of Ezio Au Ditore but in a greyscale while the second tribute was that to Hanzo Hitsugaya, this tribute was an Oni mask under my hood, the same mask that was a part of Hanzo's Samurai Helmet. The best part was even though it was incredibly hard to see the mask thanks to the shadowy mask the red tinted eyes could glow giving off a menacing glare. While disrobing excluding my hood and mask witch were detachable from my uniform, a hand landed on my shoulder and as if by reflex the next moment he was on the ground with my hidden blade at his jugular.

"Woah woah woah, bro calm down. I was just gonna ask you about your scars." Realising my position and that all of the boys were looking at me so I quickly retract my blade and pulled the boy of the ground.

"Sorry about that, reflex."

"Hey no problem, I'm Eijiro Kirishima by the way."

"Izuku Hitsugaya, and these scars are from my training." I gesture to my scar littered body, every part of my body was scarred from my sword practice to real missions and even from my own free run accidents. Seeing that everyone was staring at me I went into the changing room to switch hoods, than after putting the rest of my costume on I headed straight to the meet up point while doing inventory on my gear, 10 throwing knives, 3 smoke bombs, 3 stun grenades, hook blade, grappling hook and my trusty hidden blade brace. Afterwards, everyone else arrives and spent their time admiring and complimenting each-others costumes, and thank god for the mask and hood cause I may or may not have slightly blushed at Yaoyorozu's costume. Soon All Might called everyone's attention and explained the task. Two teams of two, one heroes one villains. The villains aim are to defend a bomb and capture the heroes by capture tape or KO, whereas the heroes must either touch the bomb or and capture the villains by capture tape or KO. After doing a random lot I discovered my team was Team A with Momo. Our enemies Sato and Katsuki as villains were sent off to hide the bombe inside the building, where as Yaoyorozu and I begin planning.

"Alright first I'll use my quirk to track down the bomb and once we find the room I'll deploy some smoke bombs, I'll need you to make some thermal vision goggles and after that we both capture can capture the enemies with minimal structural damage."

"That is very well made plan Hitsugaya, but what is our two combatants come for us instead of guarding the bomb?"

"I will fight Rikido while you face off with Katsuki, try using tranquilisers to sedate his violent behaviour."

"Very well."

"Villain Team your preparation time is over, exercise begin!" I sprint in with Momo hot on my trail as I use my Eagle Vision to follow the boys foot prints until we end up on the 3rd floor and come face to face with Sato and Katsuki, turning around I nod at Momo see her create a thermal vision mask. I look back at Bakugo and Sato and chuck a smoke bomb, using my Eagle Vision I use a Tenchi Nage, a throw used in Aikido, and used my trained agility to wrap up his hands.

"Young Sato is captured!"

Looking over my shoulder I notice Yaoyorozu struggling with Bakugo and his rash behaviour so pulling out my trusty armbrace I shoot out a sleeping dart hitting him in the back of the neck allowing Momo to put the capture tape on him winning the match. After the exercise we discovered that we had the second fastest time behind Todoroki who instantly froze the building capturing the villains instantly.

"Congratulation student job well done now hit the showers and go home! HAHAHA!"


After getting some Katsudon I used the passage to sneak back into the UA Sanctuary. I decided that during my mission I will use this room as my HQ, while investigating the POE, tomorrow I'm gonna start exploring the passages Edgeshot created and try to find some leads to the location of the Piece, luckily I haven't seen a Templar yet.


Currently the Board Meeting room is full of robed men and women, each wearing a red cross pendant hanging around their necks.

"Grand Master, it seems the Assassins have moved to acquire the Piece of Eden."

"Hmm very well, in this time of Heroes and Villains the winner will of our ancient war will be the first to take advantage of these new chess pieces which is why I will give clearance to activate the L.O.V."

"Very well Grand Mentor All for One."

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