Chapter 3

26 4 5

Coral is above ^^^

Word count:839


"It's time to go!" Coral yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be right there mom!" Iris shouted back from her room. Iris pulled on her black high top converse and grabbed her small light blue purse. Iris rushed down the stairs to meet her mom and brother at the bottom. Jackson was trying to convince Coral to let him drive.

"Please, mom! I have my permit," he pleaded, trying to grab the keys from Coral's grasp.

"Absolutely not!" Coral said, pulling the keys away from him. "You have no clue where we are going!"

"That is true, but I still want to drive," Jackson complained, crossing his arms. 

"You can drive on the way back," Coral compromised with her son. 

"Fine," He grumbled.

Coral sighed and turned to her daughter. "Ready?" she asked. 

"Yup!" Iris answered. The three walked out of the gray house and into the driveway where their black Dodge Durango sat. 

Jackson quickly looked at his sister. "I call shotgun!" He shouted then ran to the passenger's side door and flung it open. he quickly took a seat and buckled himself in as Iris groaned. Iris reluctantly took the seat behind her brother.

Coral started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "So Iris, when I was looking over your schedule I saw that you are taking prophecy," she said. 

"I am? And that's a thing here?" Iris asked, very confused by the schools still.

"Well, yeah. What else would you expect from a town that has your whole life planned out?" Jackson asked, laughing at his sister.

"Kevin also signed you up for a history class of Herington," Coral said, turning the car down another street. 

Iris sighed. "So then where are we going shopping?"

"Herington is a big town so there are plenty of shops in the downtown area we can shop at," Coral told Iris, glancing at her mirror to look at Iris, then looking back at the road. After a few minutes of silence, the car pulled into a parking lot in the downtown area. There was a huge outlet mall surrounding the lot.

"Wow, you were not kidding," Jackson said, opening his door and getting out. Coral and Iris followed suit, each grabbing their purses on the way out.

"Here are your school supplies lists," Coral handed a piece of paper to each of her children. "I have to go grocery shopping, so go get your school supplies, call me to check-in."

Iris nodded. "Okay, mom."  

"Don't get into any trouble!" Coral shouted after them as she walked into the shop.

"No promises!" Jackson shouted. "Let's go look at the map," Jackson said and pulled his sister to look at it.

Iris located a school supplies shop on the map. "There," She said and pointed to it on the map.

"Then let's get going, it's across the mall," Jackson started walking in the direction of the shop. Iris and Jackson walked for around five minutes until they reached the shop. Jackson opened the door and let iris walk through first, and he followed her soon after. "Go get your stuff, meet back here in 20."

Iris nodded and headed into an aisle that said 'binders and folders' on the sign. She picked out 6 binders and three folders, and placed them into the basket she was carrying. She sped through the isles grabbing all the things she needed. Notebooks, binder tabs, pens, and pencils. All she needed down was a locker shelf. Iris headed to the aisle that was labeled 'locker shelves and backpacks' and when she turned the corner she ran into a girl.

"I am so sorry!" the girl exclaimed.

"It's okay, are you alright?" Iris asked the girl.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said, taking a strand of loose brown hair behind her ear. "I've never seen you around here before."

"Yeah, my family moved here a couple of weeks ago. I'm Iris," Iris smiled at the girl.

"I'm Maci. What school are you going to?" Maci asked Iris.

"Rainrun," Iris replied. "What school are you going to?"

"I go to Rainrun too!" Maci exclaimed. "I guess I'll be seeing you around?"

"Yes! It was nice meeting you," Iris said, giving a small wave.

"You too," Maci said and walked down another aisle.

Iris continued on her journey to get a locker shelf. She grabbed a min blue locker set and headed for the registers. Jackson had already checked out and was waiting by the door with his bags. Iris quickly paid for her things and joined Jackson.

"What took you so long?" Jackson joked.

"Shut up, let's go find mom," Iris laughed. The siblings left the store and walked back to the other side of the mall. Iris and Jackson found the car, and their mom loading grocery bags into the trunk.

"How was shopping?" she asked.

"Great," Iris replied, excited to start school already. Iris put her bags in the trunk and took the car her mother had back.

"Ready to go?" Jackson asked, tossing the car keys in the air and catching them behind his back.

"With you driving?" Iris raised an eyebrow. "Never."

"Hey! I'm not that bad at driving!"


This chapter was a bit shorter, but I'm hoping to have a longer chapter out soon!

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