Chapter 8

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The friends began to walk of campus when a Dodge Journey pulled up next to them. The tinted window rolled down to reveal Atlas and his older brother Astraeus. "Get in losers we're going shopping," Astraeus said sarcastically. Atlas rolled his eyes as his brother's joke.

"Astraeus?" Maci asked.

He laughed. "The one and only, do you guys need a ride? We've got room."

Colin and Kendrick glanced at each other then shrugged. "A ride would be nice," Kendrick spoke.

Colin opened the door of the car and revealed Kevin sitting in the back seat eating an Italian sub. "What is he doing here?" Iris exclaimed. Kevin looked up from his sub at Iris.

"Kevin? He's my best friend," Astraeus replied.

Iris's jaw dropped and looked at him in disbelief. Maci pushed Iris' jaw back up and patted her on the back. "You mean to tell me," Iris pointed at Kevin, "He has friends?"

"Just because I piss you off, doesn't mean I piss everyone else off sweetheart," Kevin smirked.

"Sweetheart?" Iris glared at Kevin. She looked away from his irritating face and down the road. Iris sighed. "I'll see you guys later, I'll just walk."

"Are you sure Ris? It's 3 miles," Maci said.

"Yeah, I need the exercise anyways," Iris replied.

"See ya," Maci said, Kendrick and Colin waved at Iris before getting into the car. "Call me when you get home."

"Okay," Iris agreed, and continued her walk. She grabbed her earbuds from her pocket and plugged them into her phone to begin listening to Hey There Delilah by The Plain White T's. Iris walked absent-minded to her house. But, once again she didn't notice the world around her getting darker as she moved along. She looked down at her phone to check the time, but it wouldn't turn on. Iris kept walking and trying to turn on her phone until she ran into a chest. 

She looked up to see Kevin. 

Iris rolled her eyes, and walked around him. Kevin let out a heavy sigh and grabbed her wrist. She yanked it back from his grasp and whipped around to face him. "What do you want?" She asked, clearly irritated.

"What about me is making you so angry?" He yelled. "I'm trying to help you!"

"You make fun of me! You won't leave me alone!" She shouted back. "I don't need your help!"

Kevin shifted his jaw and looked away from Iris, then back to her. "Are you sure about that?" Kevin raised his eyebrows and began to walk forwards. "I just saw you deny a person who wanted to help you. You refuse to do anything because you feel like people hate you. You push away your friends. You push away me!"

"And why are you so mad about that?" Iris ran a hand through her hair. "You don't care about me!"

"Oh really? Then why am I here? Why do I keep trying to be around you?" Kevin asked, slowly getting more quiet, as if he was asking the question to himself.

"Kevin?" Iris furrowed her brows and looked at the dark haired boy.

"What am I doing?" Kevin whispered to himself. 

"Kevin? Kevin, dude are you okay?" A voice called out, it sounded like Astraeus. Kevin looked up at Iris. 

"I'm sorry," Kevin snapped his fingers and the world went white. When Iris opened her eyes again, she stood in front of her house.

What was that all about?


Sorry the chapter was a bit short! But I have something special planned for the next chapter!

A New Beginning \\\ Iris MillerWhere stories live. Discover now