Chapter 5

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Above is Iris' schedule ^^^

Side Note: this is a week after the party


"Iris! Jackson! Time to wake up! Its the first day of school!" Coral yelled up the stairs at her children.

Iris groaned. "Yeah, I'm up," Iris mumbled to herself and rolled out of her bed. After some light stretching, Iris got dressed in a pair of white jeans, and a new blue t-shirt. She slipped on her White high top converse and made her bed. Next, she packed her backpack and went downstairs. "Morning," Iris said as she walked into the kitchen. "Where's dad?"

"Your father got called into work early this morning, and he's working late tonight," Coral replied, taking a bagel out of the toaster oven and putting it onto a plate. "Here's breakfast. Now, I'm going to go see if your brother got up," Coral climbed up the stairs and disappeared out of Iris's sight.

Iris ate her bagel while scrolling through Instagram on her phone. After a few minutes of this silence, Jackson and Coral came down the stairs. "Morning," Jackson mumbled and sat down at the counter next to Iris. Coral slid Jackson a bagel. "Thanks, mom."

"Jackson, your bus comes in 10 minutes," Coral said, looking at the clock.

Jackson sighed. "It's only 6:50."

"Brightburn stats pretty early hun," Coral said, taking Iris's empty plate. Jackson groaned. "Iris, your bus will be here in 40 minutes, go brush your teeth."

"Yes, mom," Iris replied and went upstairs to go brush her teeth. After brushing her teeth and returning to her room to grab her laptop and charger she went back downstairs only to find Jackson had gone to the bus stop, and her mother was doing dishes. "I'm going to go to the bus stop early."

"Okay," Coral wiped her hands off on a kitchen towel. "Don't forget to take your schedule and house keys. Jackson is coming home late because he's going to soccer practice. I also will be at work until 4:30."

"Alright mom, I'll see you tonight," Iris said, putting her backpack on and grabbing her phone, house keys, and her schedule. Iris exited the house and walked down the street. She checked her phone while walking to the bus stop and the time read 7:15. She shoved her phone into her back pocket and kept walking. After 5 more minutes of walking, she came to a corner with a bunch of kids standing at it and talking.

"Iris!" Maci yelled. "Over here!" Iris turned her head and saw Maci waiting with Kendrick by a bench. She walked over to stand with them.

"Morning," Iris said, a small smile on her face.

"Are you excited? I'm so excited! It's the first day of our freshman year!" Maci exclaimed and continued to ramble on about her classes. 

"Sorry, Iris. Maci talks a lot when she's nervous," Kendrick smirked and turned his head to look at Maci.

"I am not nervous!" Maci exclaimed in defense to herself. Kendrick tilted his head. "Okay, maybe a little," Maci admitted. A bus pulled up alongside them.

"Well, I think you should stop being so nervous because there's the bus," Kendrick said then shrugged his backpack and walked towards the bus doo along with many others from the group. The bus' doors opened and let the students climb onto it. Maci grabbed Iris' arm and dragged her to get into line on the bus. Iris and Maci found a seat in front of Kendrick and another boy.

Maci, Kendrick and the boy started to discuss classes. Maci stopped and exclaimed, "Oh right! Iris, this is Colin." Colin gave Iris a small wave, which she returned. "Hey, can I see your schedule?" Maci asked Iris. Iris handed her the piece of paper that was given to her by Kevin. Maci looked over it quickly. "I have chorus, lunch, art, and English with you." 

Iris nodded as Maci handed the schedule back to her. "Can we see it?" Kendrick asked. Iris handed them the schedule and the boys looked over it for a few moments. "I have chorus, lunch, and art with you," Kendrick said, handing back the schedule.

"I only have lunch and art with you," Colin commented, looking up.

"Okay, so then I actually have to be social and make friends," Iris mumbled under her breath.

Maci smiled while the boys laughed. "Looks to be that way," Maci shrugged.

Iris forced a smile onto her face. "Can't wait."

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