The present

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"Luke! Luke seriously?" Ashton

"What are we going to do? He can't preform like that. He can't even stand up." Michael

"I have no fucking idea. I should have known when we didn't see him for the past hour he was doing this shit." Ashton

"We can't keep doing this. He is going ruin everything we have built." Michael

"Would you like to be the one to tell him that? Do you think I like this? If he gets pissed and walks away we have nothing." Ashton

"Guys..." calum They didn't hear him .

"He lives with you! You can't keep him away from the drugs?" Michael

"Why don't you come over and do a fucking pocket check when he comes home Michael?! I have my own shit. I moved him in with me to keep an eye on him but I have a life to live." Ashton

"GUYS! ENOUGH! the show is in three hours. We have an interview in 20 minutes. We have to decide now what to do." Calum

I pushed past the guys to see Luke lying on the floor of the dressing room mumbling and barley moving,

"What the fuck happened? I leave for two days and we are back to this?"

"Cherry we can't babysit him every minute he's a adult. He's gotta take some responsibility for himself for Christ sake." Ashton

I sigh and get down on my knees

"Get out."" Cherry

"What?" Ash, cal, Michael

"Get out seriously go.. I got him. you have an interview go to it. Tell them Luke is under the weather and couldn't make the interview." Cherry

"It won't matter there is no way he is going to be able to preform." Michael

"He will be ready." Cherry

"If he isn't ready the venue will already be full. It will be a PR nightmare." Ashton

"I said he will be ready just give me some space." Cherry

The guys left and I sighed... How the hell am I going to get him stage ready in three hours!

"Cherry? ...Is that you?" Luke

"Yes Luke it's me. What have you done?" Cherry

"You left me.. you said you wouldn't leave." Luke

"Luke I left for two days. It wasn't a choice. I had jury duty. you knew this. you couldn't keep yourself straight for two damn days?" Cherry

"I'm sorry.. I just get lonely... and I needed you." Luke

He groaned as I looked through his bag. There was a half a bottle of Jack and a bottle of oxy. Well at least it wasn't coke this time.

"You should have called. Now we have to get you ready. Don't make me out to be a liar." Cherry

I went above his head and placed my hands in his arm pits. I started dragging him toward the bathroom. Moving 6'4 tall Luke across the floor when you are only 5'2 is proving to be a real work out. I finally get him to the toilet and I prop him up.

"I feel really bad." Luke

"Yea just hang on it's going to get better." Cherry

I opened his mouth and stuck my finger down his throat. He started gagging and leaned forward clinging onto the toilet. After what seemed like forever he sat back against the sink and took some deep breathes. I turned on the shower.

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