The beginning

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"Can I help you?" Security

"Yes. I'm Chelsea Lutz. I'm looking for Ashton Irwin. We have an interview."

"One second." Security

He spoke into his walkie talkie.

"Follow me. " Security

I walked through a metal detector and  then we headed through a side door. A few feet in was Ashton pacing back and forth.

"Hello Ashton. I'm Chelsea. Jon Feldman recommended me."

"Hey there. Sorry I'm not more prepared for this interview. I usually meet people in LA at the office but our other girl quit and now I'm kind of doing this on the fly." Ashton

"It's no problem I was actually only an hour away doing a festival the past few days so worked out." Chelsea

"So if I'm being honest I'm slightly on edge about hiring anyone after the way things went down with the last girl. so let me give you a scenerio and you tell me how you would handle it." Ashton

"Alright "

"Ok so the band shows up to a charity gig and their luggage doesn't make it. The only thing that's arrived are my drums and Luke's guitar and amp. We have no clothes for the performance. We have three interviews that need to be pushed because Luke is having some personal issues and isn't in a place to talk to reporters. No one has made any plans for dinner. Hotel has not been confirmed so we have no where to stay and Luke needs to be sobered up because he's a fucking mess. What would you do?" Ashton

"I would start with calling the airline and explaining that they have one hour to find out where the luggage is and get it here or they will be personally paying for a guitar, a bass and 2 amps. Plus any clothing expenses we would have for me picking up outfits for the entire band.  before we would hang up they would be calling guitar world and the mall confirming the items would be paid for under their own account. while I was on my way to guitar world to pick up these items I would call and push all three interviews. explaining that there is a conflict in schedule and things need to be moved. our deepest apologies for the mishap and keep Luke's name out of the entire conversation because what he's going through is no one else's business. on my way back from picking up the equipment I would stop and grab everyone clothes for the performance. As I checked out I would order take out to be delivered to the venue for all 4 of you. Then I would stop and pick up some items to help sober up Luke while I made hotel reservations." Chelsea

"Sounds solid." Ashton

"Yea I'm pretty good at what I do."

"Well I'll make you a deal the scenario that I just gave you is literally what's happening at this very moment. which is why I'm standing back here pacing with no clue what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing. It is 7 hours to Showtime if you can pull this off the job is yours. " Ashton

"All I need is your sizes and the airline info." Chelsea

He handed me a tablet.

" Everything you need is in the tablet " ashton

" Alright. Well try to relax and I'll see you soon. " Chelsea


Three hours later I walked into the dressing room holding multiple bags. Michael, Calum, and Ashton were sitting on a couch eating tacos that I had sent to the venue.

"Hello boys, hope you didn't stress to much. Michael your new Gibson Melody maker is being tuned as we speak. Along with Calum's new 1982 Fender bass. Everyone's outfits are labeled . They have been pressed. Shoes are included. Boots for Luke and Calum, Docs for Ash and New Pharell addition yellow and black adidas for Michael. The white bag has tooth brushes, hair product, eye liner, glitter eyeshadow, deodorant, and two types of cologne including Hugo boss and Calvin Kline. Hotel rooms have been booked at the Hilton comped as a deep apology from Delta airlines along with everything else I have named. All three interviews have been rescheduled. I hope you are enjoying the food. (I sat all the bags down but one.) Now if you could so kindly point me toward Luke." Cherry

They all three pointed to a door behind them while they continued to chew.

"Thanks." Chelsea

I headed through the door to tackle my last task.

"She's good." Calum

"Yea I didn't think she would pull it off but she just might. 4 hours to show time." Ashton

" What's her name?" Michael

"Chelsea.. but I like Cherry." Ashton

"For sure Cherry." Michael

"Do you think she will get Luke ready?" calum

"Let's hope so. To late to cancel now." Ashton


"Luke?" Chelsea

I walked over to a small bed in the corner.

"LUKE." Chelsea

"Go away." Luke

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. " Chelsea

He rolled over and looked at me.

"Well I didn't expect a red headed surprise before a show but believe me I'm not mad about it" Luke

He struggled to sit up but he managed. Then he started taking off his shirt.

" Come on then" Luke

"Wow okay... um stop taking off your shirt." Chelsea

Luke stood up and stumbled towards me. I put my hands on his chest to stop him from falling. He moved his arms above my head and pinned me to the wall.

"What's wrong cherry bomb? To good for a quicky? I'm a rock star you know. I could rock your world."

The smell of alcohol was almost enough to intoxicate me.

I pushed him back gently and he stumbled before landing back on the bed.

"Oh you like being on top?" Luke

"Do you really use those lines to get laid Luke? Jesus I expected better from a song writer like you."

He huffed.. "If you aren't here to have sex Then WHY are YOU bothering me? " He put his head in his hands as the room started to spin from to much motion. I knelt down and grabbed a trash can placing it in front of him just in time for him to puke. When he was done I handed him a wash cloth to clean his face.

"Thank god I wasn't actually climbing on top of you... how tragic would that have been." Chelsea

We both started laughing. I handed him a bottle of water.

" Who are you? and why are you being so nice to me if you don't want to sleep with me?" Luke

" I'm Chelsea. I'm your new personal assistant. "

"Nooo" he laid back on the bed. "Tell me you are joking and I didn't just try to fuck the bands new assistant."

" That is exactly what happened and every time you look at me I want you to remember this moment when you told me you were a rock star and you could rock my world."

We both started laughing again.

"Fuck I'm a real mess. I'm sorry. I wasn't always like this." Luke

"Yea I know. " Chelsea

He looked at me.

"Look I love this band and I really want this job. So I'll make you a deal. If you drink this Pedialyte and eat this sandwich and sober up enough to preform tonight I'll never tell a soul about this situation or your weak ass pick up lines." Chelsea

He smiled and shook his head then sat up and took the Pedialyte.

"Sounds like a deal." Luke

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