~~~~Chapter 5~A~New~Family~&~The~Engagement~Part~A~~~~

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~~~Chapter 5~~~

Alexandria's P~O~V

We were in the car driving to Kaleb's house and I'd decided that we should play a game of 20 questions so we could get to know each other better and because I wanted to know more about the guy I had made the choice of spending the rest of my life with.

"So I'll start first" I said, "What is your favorite colour?"

"Sky blue" He said in his husky voice, "What about you?" he asked

"light pink and light purple, don't know why I just do." I said and asked, "Who was your first kiss?"

"Where'd that question come from?" he asked me chuckling while facing the road.

"Answer" I insisted

"Mindy Stanford the 5th girl I was told to spend time with to figure out if she was my mate or not."

"Oh" I said feeling a little jealous

"How about you?" he asked his getting a bit serious now.

"Honestly I'd like to say yeah I've kissed some one before, but truth is the only time I got close to EVER kissing a guy was when some jocks dared this wannabe guy in my math class to kiss me for their entertainment." I told him a little sullenly as a big and then an angry pout came on to his face.

"How dare they?" he growled out, still looking at the road and his knuckles tightened on the steering wheel.

"Don't get so angry it's in the past anyway and no, I did not kiss him because the idiotic jock were too dumb to notice that I was sitting right in front of them and could hear them clearly even without my enhanced hearing" I said laughing at the idiots.

"So will your parent's mind?" he started, "You know you disappearing out of nowhere and well-" though I cut him off.

"They won't care and even if they do, it's not such a big deal." I said preparing myself to tell him everything since he was lookinb at me with a stubborn expression on his face.

"It's a long story" I said with a pout on my face.

"Well we're 2 hours away from my house and it'll take my family and pack members 1 more hour to return to our main house, where everyone will be staying tonight, including a few of the Jackal pack's families." He explained and then added, "So we have a whole lot of time to spare."

"Fine" I said with a big sigh as Kaleb turned his attention back to the road with a pleased smile on his face.

And the rest of the drive went with me talking, Kaleb getting mad every now and then.

And after I was done explaining my family situation, he explained his all his family members and how excited they were when his father told them about how I was returning with them

And how his mother had already started deciding our engagement and wedding on her way to the house and how his father had to literally drag her with him to the car he was going in instead of waiting for us and bombarding me with questions.

Not to mention that his mother, sister and aunt had already planned the date we were going to get engaged.

This in turn made made me giggle, which resulted in Kaleb turning his head to me and then give me a quick peck on the lips.

I blushed and continued listening to his stories about his family members and I couldn't wait to meet all of them.

I was SO happy that I didn't notice that the car had stopped in front of a huge castle like mansion.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I said looking at the wonderful decor of the house from the outside.

"It's been passed down in the Tamin pack for centuries, it's our main den" He explained getting out of the car and coming to my side and opening my door for me and then helping me out of the and then inside the mansion.

As soon I stepped inside the house I was awstruck: I mean the decor was amazing, but it felt SO much like a real home with all the pictures hanging on the walls and the homey feeling I got as soon as I entered the house.

"Wow" I said again and then continued, "this feels SO much like a real home, so unlike my own home" I said remebering the feeling I always got when I entered that lifeless yet cold museum like place I call-or used to call home, seeing as I ran away from that place and those people.

"Old home you mean" Kaleb said correcting me and giving me a hug and a look that told me that I don't have to return to that place.

"So what now?" I asked after Kaleb had shown me around the house.

"Now I'll show you your room, or should I say OUR room" he said emphasising the 'our' and making a frown appear on my face.

"What?" he asked looking at my expression.

"I'm happy and all, but isn't that just a tid-bit too fast?" I asked getting a little nervous and embarrased.

"Oh, come on I promise I won't anything on you and we'll sleep on different sides of the bed" he said giving a puppy face I couldn't refuse.

"How big's the bed?" I asked with a sigh

"King sized" he said getting all hyper.

"Cool, though I need a serious shower and no I'm not showering with you" I said reading his lust filled expression, "And the puppy face won't work this time around" I told him stubbornly.

Kaleb showed me his room and then the shower and was still trying to get inside the shower with me.

Though me being me I stood my ground and he had go back outside with a fake pout on his face.

I took a quick shower with a happy smile on my face and as soon as I got out I forgot that I didn't have any clean clothes here.

"Um, Kaleb?" I asked taking my head out of the washroom door a bit.

"Here" He said handing me a set of girl's clothes.

" How'd you-" I started to ask, but he cut me off giving me my answer.

"I didn't my annoying sister, nosey mom and an excited aunt retunred home earlier than they were SUPPOSED to and well these are my sister's" he explained a little with whom I supposed was the females of his family.

"Tell them thanks from me" I said chuckling at him.

"Laugh all you want" he said trying tto snap at me, but miserably failing.

I changed into his sister's clothes which were approximately three inches small on me and a bit tightt on my waist.

Then I stepped out of the washroom only two see a few women staring at me with excited expressions on their faces.

While Kaleb was on the other side of his locked door maddly knocking and screaming at them to leave me alone.

Uh-oh this will definitely be a LONG night!



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