14. under pressure

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Her eyes fluttered open, an instant smile forming on her face when Jordan was still asleep next to her. She felt at peace finally; this is what she wanted in her life forever. Even though it took her a while to figure it out, Stacey was the happiest she's ever been. Her fingers trailed over his arm that was slung over her waist. For the past couple of days, the two had been spending a significant amount of time with each other. Whenever Jordan wasn't on the football field or training with Grandpa Willie, he was right by Stacey's side. Usually, Stacey loved her personal space, but after so much time apart, it was like they were making up those missed months.

"Good morning," Jordan yawned as he felt her hand fall on his face. He grabbed it, giving it a quick kiss before bringing her in closer to his chest. "I'm so glad you spent the night."

"Me too," she smiled into his chest. "This has just been so..."

"Special," he finished for her.

Jordan brought her face back up to his, leaning in and kissing her lips. Stacey grinned into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him on top of her. They ignored each other's morning breath and savored this simple, yet delightful moment between them.

"Hey Jo–" Olivia swung the door open, covering her eyes when she saw the two making out on the bed. She knew Stacey stayed late, but didn't know she spent the night. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I – I didn't need to see that."

Stacey giggled and sheepishly waved at her best friend. Jordan threw one of the pillows at the door. "Hey Liv, learn how to knock."

"Oh trust me, I will," she closed the door and gagged loud enough so they could hear. "What I was going to say is Dillon's birthday party is today. So make sure to be ready for that. We're leaving in an hour."

"Got it!" Jordan yelled back. He sat up in his bed as Stacey got up to go into the bathroom to get ready. "I have to stop by Grandpa Willie's first, but you can go to the party without me."

"Are you sure?" she asked, popping her head into the room with her toothbrush in hand. "He seems to really like me, which surprised me to be honest."

"He talks about you more than me," Jordan joked. "I guess you can stop by and say hi, but Spencer said Dillon really wants to meet you."

Stacey smiled in the mirror and brushed her teeth. Spencer was always talking about Dillon at lunch and seemed like the cutest boy to her. She knew she needed to go to his party and support Spencer since his dad was back in town. She wondered in a couple of years if her mom came back; how would she react then?

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