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Stacey Adams dreamt of a perfect life. She was in her late twenties, finishing up a day in the office. Saying goodbye to everyone, she went to her house back in Beverly Hills. Her son, Cory, opened up the door for her. He opened his arms up to his mom, Stacey picking him up.

"Daddy, mommy's home!" Cory called out into the vast house.

Jordan walked down the stairs a couple of moments later, their daughter Mackenzie in his arms. "Look Kenzie, mommy's here."

He let her down, the three year old hobbling over to her mother. Stacey picked her up too, both of her kids in her arms.

"Have I told you I love you both?" Stacey smiled and kissed the tops of their heads.

"Yes!" Kenzie stated. She lightly tugged on her hair to entertain herself.

"We've missed her very much," Jordan pressed a kiss to her cheek, staring at her fondly.

A family of four, living in a huge house, good paying jobs, and a loving husband was everything Stacey dreamt of. However, it wasn't reality.

Stacey woke from her sleep, eyes wandering to Jordan still sleeping beside her. The sun was just barely rising; her phone read 6 am. She didn't see herself going back to sleep, so she made sure Jordan was comfortable before heading to the kitchen.

She smelt coffee. Her dad was still asleep from working late last night. Asher?

"What are you doing up?" Stacey whispered. Her suspicions were correct: Asher was sitting at the island, sipping on the coffee he made.

Asher was never a morning person. He would usually sleep in until noon on weekends as he would be up either working out or studying film. Ever since he bounced back from getting kicked off the team last year, Asher wanted to prove himself to be the best. He also needed the football scholarships coming his way so he would be covered for college.

Asher is startled that someone else is awake; he knew he wouldn't have his peace and quiet for long. He sighs and sets down his coffee. "Can't sleep."

Stacey pours herself her own cup, adding some cream and sugar. "How come?"

"Olivia told me she just wants to be friends."

She leaned on the island to be across from him. Her heart fell. She was hoping her brother and best friend would work out. Even though they started out at a bad place all those months ago, they seemed to click lately. She knew her brother cared a lot for Olivia; she was there for him all the time, even when Stacey wasn't.

"I'm sorry," Stacey finally says. "She just needs time."

Asher shook his head. "Liv told me she needed me as a friend more than a boyfriend. I respect that, because she means so much to me and I don't want to lose her, but...I was falling in love with her. No. I am in love with her. I have been this whole time."

Waste the Night ✧ jordan baker [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now