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Chase, Payton, Anthony and Noen came to visit San Diego for a few days before starting phase 2 of tour.

I go to pick them up at the airport and see them walking to the baggage claim, I run over and hug Chase first. He kisses me and says "hi baby" before I move over to the others I hug them.

We put the bags in the trunk of my car and make our way home. We take a stop at starbucks get some coffee. We continue the drive while listening to Panic! At The Disco. We get to my house and plop onto the couch, Colby walks in and greets us before going upstairs. We watch a vine compilation because why not and fall asleep while watching.


We wake up at around 11:30 all cuddling on the couch, noen jr joining us as well. Remember Noen Jr? He is back. We get up and walk into the kitchen for food. We all make ourselves a bowl of cereal and eat our breakfast. I'm scrolling through instagram until I was tagged by somebody named 'd1854' and it was captioned 'IM BACK BITCHES' and Chase and I were tagged in it. I look over at Chase and see he saw the post too. It was Dana.

He blocks her and just puts his phone down. A little while after the others go out while me and Chase are home alone. A little bit after they leave we start making out. It escalates quickly to the point where we are both naked, "you sure?" he asks "yes chase." I reply. He grabs a condom that he apparently had in his pocket and puts it on.

We were lying down on my bed cuddling after THAT happened. I quickly kiss Chase before getting up to shower. Chase showers shortly after and the boys come home while he is in the shower. "hey Spence-" Payton says walking in on Chase coming out of the bathroom, soaked in water and a towel wrapped around his waist, Chases eyes go wide and Payton slowly walks out and closes the door.

This is really just a filler but it's needed for the stuff coming up.

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