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"okay okay, her name is" Noen says...

... "Alex Gray" he says (shes from my Noen x reader) "HOLD ON, Alex Gray, like the model??" I ask in shock "um yeah" he says. "HOLY SHIT" I yell "spENCER, THERES A CHILD" we hear Colby say from upstairs "sorry dAd" I say. "okay, okay, let me get this straight. you're dating my friend." I say "yes..? Wait you guys know eachother?" Noen says "yeah" I reply. "soooo, when do we meet her?" I ask "today actually... that's when I was gonna tell you." Noen says "what time what time what time" I ask "spence calm the hell down" Payton says "sorry shortie" I say. "okay, well around 7 we meet at Olive Garden for lunch I'm pretty sure" Noen says.

7:15 PM

We get to the restaurant to meet the others, such as Alex, and our friends Zoe and Cody. Me and Alex spot eachother and run up hugging one another "spencer stop stealing my girlfriend" Noen says "she was mine first bby" I say "then I'll take Chase" Noen says "mkay cool" me and Alex say at the same time.

We sit down at the table and we all greet eachother. I was already friends with Alex, Zoe and Cody so I didn't need to be introduced. We order our drinks and stuff until this pretty girl comes to serve us, her and Payton look at eachother wide eyed and I realize who the girl is. Paytons ex. "holy shit" me, Payton, Noen and Chase say at the same time. "oh fuck" She says "um what" Brent says "it's Paytons ex" Chase says in shock "what happened?" Brent asks "she cheated... 3 times" Payton says "I'm right here you know" She says "shut up h-"

"Haley." yes, THE Haley Morales. The one who talked about a fan and bullied a fan behind their back which resulted into that fan committing suicide.

Anyways, they hate eachother, and she is toxic.

After all that awkwardness, we got our food and started eating and shit.

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