CHAPTER 3 - "Power of the Flowers" (part 1)

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There was nothing but intense pain, blurred sounds of explosions and gunfire, and the faint sight of seeing the clouds, with smoke coming from a certain direction. In the eyes of this one, it is evident the owner is moving, since buildings can be seen from below. The owner isn't moving, so it's the owner being moved from place to place. Vibrations can be felt, following an explosion. A flying figure flew quickly past the owner's field of vision, but it was identified as a fighter jet. The owner looks around, seeing that the subject was on a stretcher. Panting can be heard from a female. She was starting to recognize her surroundings through her visions. Her heart is starting to pump back to normal, but she's in pain, everywhere. Senna remembers it. She's heavily injured, and was needed to be moved to a stretcher. It's happening now, and it's happening as she was thinking it.

N'Zala was worried. He had a pistol drawn and was looking around. His body was riddled with scratches, but he pushed on. A CH-53 model had flown nearby and was landing just outside one of the clusters of Triquett. "Hurry, hurry! The fast-mover is coming back!!!" He shouted it out to Foster who was helping in carrying the stretcher, but then something in Foster's tone seemed sincere since N'Zala noticed the jets that were once in the sky, were now waving off and not coming back. "This is our chance! Get her in!"

Below the long and wide castle foundations that makes up the Zarconia Castle Grounds, the Central Research Hub that is meant as a place of research on the continent's future applications for general progress, and the increased use of the most exotic flowers found. There were capsules that were filled with flowers, exotic and rare in nature.

"The Parsena Matse," one junior scientist said, looking at one of the capsules where its color is general aqua-green in nature. "I thought they were the usual roses that exist with artificial coloring mostly in the Americas. Says here that they're found at Prajeer- Wait... That region's pretty much filled with natural rads! How did-?"

"You think the Matse is radiating," another junior scientist replied then "and found out at a place where there are rads, that other flower the Selta was from a snow-filled region."

"Snow-? What flowers even grow from...? Wait... Alaska?!"

"It was tested and grown there. Senior ranks tell me that the various experimental flowers like the Selta were a variant for creation based on the present testing environment. In this case, a cave." The junior scientist said.

The junior scientists would keep talking about origins of flowers, whether found in-region or experimented and made outside. They wouldn't mind much of a separate office in the research facility. There were 10 underground levels connected by either emergency tunnels with stairs, or with the multiple elevators from the surface... This office was on Sub-level 4, meaning 4 levels deeper than the main sub-flooring.

The office door's tag read "Head Bio-Research". Behind it was a room that's about 8 by 9 feet, with a height of 9 feet. There were friendly exotic flowers on display, a few filing cabinets, one laptop turned on, and the highlight of the room, a white desk containing a few papers and a single desktop monitor that is almost flat. There was a woman with bright auburn hair who was typing on a portable keyboard. She had dark brown eyes, and her getup was mostly for a partially coated scientist who needed to get air around her inner clothing that is white to light blue in color. She received a knock on her door and replied "Come in".

A scientist, in his 40's and wearing glasses, comes in with an electronic datapad in hand before he closed the door, and urgently walking to the woman. "Miss Sommers... You should look at this." He then hands over the datapad and he sees her browse through the content, swiping left and right. He would look at it, and observed her reading through basic information.

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