J.M. ~ Dessert

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***Got it off of tumbler***

"Babe, stop it." You whispered, swatting Jonah's hand away from your inner thigh for what felt like the thousandth time that night.

It was pretty clear that jonah was horny, but you were not having it given the fact that you were out at a fancy dinner with the boys and all of your friends. As much as you wanted jonah, you were not about to get caught and humiliated for the rest of your life.

"But I want you," he pouted, his hand snaking it's way back up to your thigh. His fingertips danced on your skin, slowly getting closer and closer to the hem of your panties. You cursed, feeling arousal bloom in your stomach. Why couldn't have you worn spandex?

"I don't want to be teased for the rest of my life by our friends jonah! Just wait another hour and I swear you can have it all when we get home." You whispered hastily, attempting to swat his hand away again, but this time he was determined.

"But what's the fun in waiting?" his finger ran along your underwear, grazing your clit through the fabric. Your breath hitched in your throat, the slight contact sending fire through your veins.

You looked around, seeing that everyone was engaged in a conversation, not even paying attention to the exchange that you and jonah just had. Fuck it.

Jonah smirked up at you, and you gave him a slight nod to keep going. He slowly moved your panties to the side, allowing him full access to your pussy. His finger circled your clit a few times before pressing down firmly on the nub, sending electricity though your body.

Fuck. He knew your body better than you did, even the softest of touches bringing you to the edge. His hand began to move faster, causing you to grip the edge of the table like it was the only thing keeping you stable.

You closed your eyes, legs beginning to shake as the sensation began to intensify. Jonah's pace increased, and it took ever bit of control in your body to keep from moaning as loud as you wanted to.

"Hey y/n, are you okay? You're looking a little pale." Your eyes shot open, but jonah's hand didn't stop moving. Daniel's bright blue eyes stared at you with concern, the whole table stopping their conversation to look at you.

"Y-yeah, i'm fine," you took in a deep breath, fighting down a moan as jonah's relentless attack on your clit still continued. "I-I just have a headache." you cleared your throat, closing your eyes once again as pleasure coursed through every inch of your body.

Jonah adjusted his hand so his thumb pressed steady circles on your clit, his middle finger swiftly slipping inside of your entrance. You bit back a scream, grabbing onto Jonah's thigh so tight that you though that your fingernails would rip through the fabric of his pants.

"Oh okay, do you need some ibuprofen? I have some in the car-" Daniel began to get up from his chair, but you quickly stopped him.

"No!" You stopped him quickly, cursing as your voice wavered. "No, thank you daniel, I can already feel it starting to go away." You cleared your throat, legs beginning to shake as a tightness began to form in your stomach. oh shit.

Jonah pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder, so chaste that it almost seemed innocent.

"Let go baby, I wanna see you cum right here, right now." He whispered in your ear, sending a shock down your spine. his fingers moved at a pace so rapid that you thought you were going to pass out from the sheer pleasure that was coursing through you body.


The tightness in the pit of your stomach exploded, shock waves of overwhelming pleasure racking your body. You bit your lip to prevent any moans from leaving your mouth, burying your head into the crook of Jonah's neck as your back arched off of the seat. His fingers still moved steadily inside of you, riding out your high before swiftly slipping out of your wet pussy.

You opened her eyes after a few seconds, feeling your heartbeat steady as your grip on jonah loosened. By some grace of god, no one had noticed the intense orgasm that you had just had, and was instead having a heated discussion about who knows what.

"Let's get out of here, and then maybe I can return the favor at home." You leaned up and whispered into Jonah's ear, being met with an eager nod. The two of you quickly gathered up your belongings, standing up from the table.

"Hey guys, I think y/n and I are going to head out now." Jonah announced, being met with disappointed groans from the rest of the table. He placed some money onto the table to pay for your meals, saying quick goodbyes to everyone else.

"You're not even going to stay for dessert?" Zach asked, a pout evident on his features.

"No, we're good," jonah replied. "I'm going to get plenty of dessert when we get home." He whispered into your ear, sending a tingle down you spine at the thought of whatever he had in store when you got home.

Jonah laced your fingers with his, pulling you towards the exit of the restaurant.

"Bye guys!" You called back to the table, waves and choruses of goodbyes being sent your way before you exited.

You and Jonah speedwalked to the the car, quickly getting in and buckling up. Jonah backed out of the parking spot, swiftly exiting the parking lot and beginning the drive back home.

You sat quietly for a minute or two, listening to the radio before a devious plan began bubbling in your head.

You leaned over the center console, beginning to kiss up and down jonah's neck.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He asked, gripping the steering wheel a tad bit tighter as you began to nip at his sweet spot.

Your hand drifted down to his crotch, palming him slowly as your lips traveled up and down his jugular.


By: @seductiveseavey

Why Don't We Smuts जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें