We Arent Just Friends ~ Z.H.

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"The boys are going to be so mad we're late again." I said getting into Zach's car, pressing a kiss to his cheek before he sped out of my parents drive way. As Zach drove to the radio station he was supposed to be at in less than 10 minutes I couldn't help but notice he was wearing the gray sweatpants I had bought for him.

"I knew those would look so good on you." I said, partly because it was a win as his stylist and partly because it was turning me on. He smirked and continued driving, "You look hot in that dress too." he said resting his hand on my knee, slowly gliding it up my thigh.

Although I desperately wanted his fingers to move higher I knew it would have to wait until we were done at the radio station so I grabbed his hand and instead brought it to my lips where I placed kisses on his knuckles. "Patience." I simply said before he moved his hand back to the steering wheel.

As soon as we parked and stepped out of the car we heard fans screaming Zach's name and he waved to them before leading me inside. We were led to a room where the other boys were already sitting, waiting on Zach to begin the interview.

I followed Tyler along with a few other members of the team out to another room where the boys were going to be performing after the interview. As soon as we stepped in a few fans walked up to Tyler and asked for a photograph. I walked past them towards the stage where they had drinks set out.

As I drank my water I noticed a small group of fans looking between their phones and me a few times and I waved at them. They walked up to me and started a conversation. "Hey you're Y/N, the boys stylist right?" one of them asked. "Yeah that's me, nice to meet you guys." I said, my social anxiety starting to kick in. "Are you and Zach a thing?" another one of them asked showing me a picture Zach had posted last night on his Instagram story of me with a small red heart in the corner of the image. "No we're just good friends." I lied, flashbacks of how we had made out seconds after that photo was posted rushed to my head.

Thankfully the boys walked in at that moment, ending our conversation. The girls were directed to sit down as the boys began performing. As the boys performed I felt the girls who asked me about Zach staring at me, clearly unhappy with the answer I gave them and how the conversation ended.

When the boys were done performing they went around mingling with a few fans. Tyler walked up to me, "Hey you good? You look tense." he said offering me a water. I took it and shook my head "Some fans asked if me and Zach were a thing and I told them we were just friends and I don't think they were happy with my answer. " I said looking around the room to see if I could spot them. I quickly noticed they were talking to Zach and I watched as they showed him something on their phone, explaining something to him, Zach's smile disappearing as they did.

I managed to catch his attention and smiled at him but he just rolled his eyes and continued talking to the group of fans. "Tyler please get me out of here." I said, quickly leaving the room with Tyler by my side. "Are you alright? What's wrong? Is it your anxiety?" He asked leading me down the hall.Before we could get to wherever he was leading me to, I broke down and started crying. "Come on Y/N. Let's take you home." he said taking my wrist and leading me out to his car. Once inside, he called Daniel letting him know where we were and what was happening.

The drive home was silent for the most part, until the end when I explained what had happened back at the radio station to Tyler. "Okay so you think the fans showed the picture they showed you to Zach and he got mad when they told him what you said?" he asked clarifying, I simply nodded in response.

He apologized for how things ended at the radio station and I went inside after saying goodbye. My parents were out of town on vacation so I decided to try to face time my mom, knowing she'd be able to cheer me up. I went up to my bedroom and my mom answered as I plopped down on my bed. "Hello sweetie is everything okay?" she asked coming into view. "Hey mom, are you busy?" I said not wanting to interrupt her vacation. "Oh no honey. We just got done with everything we had planned for today. How are you doing?"

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