Chapter 6

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"I can't believe you." Philip began. "Why did you run off on your own like that?"

I only shrugged as I walked silently back to the house. I had only known these two a day and they were already acting like overprotective parents. I knew they were here to protect me but I didn't want them following me around for the rest of my life I didn't need protection. I could take care of myself. We reached my house and I ran up the porch steps before turning to face them.

"How long are you two going to follow me around?" I asked.

"Until you are capable enough to take care of yourself." Philip said.

"That's probably going to be a while." Wendy added.

I let out an annoyed huff before turning and unlocking the door.

"You have to trust us. We are here to help you." Philip continued as the three of us entered the house. I ignored him as I walked to the kitchen window and peared down. I smiled as I saw a small black creature jumping around in the raccoon trap. I reached down and picked up the trap, setting i down on the kitchen island.

"What's that?" Wendy asked as she stared at the mass in the cage. I smiled gleefully at her as I unlocked the door and pulled the wiggling mass out. I held the spider monster firmly in my arms as it whined meekly.

"Take a look at this. Cool right?" I said as I turned to show the creature to Philip and Wendy. The two adults eyes widened as they jumped back drawing their guns. They aimed their weapons at me as they slowly stepped back.

"Akira. Put it down." Philip ordered. I could hear the stress in his voice.

"What's wrong?" I asked. The spider in my hands had stopped struggling and was now growling deeply. I dropped it and it stood protectively in front of me, growling at Philip and Wendy as its hair stood on end and its body twitches violently. The monster let out an earsplitting screech and I closed my eyes as I was thrown back. A white web like substance encased my body like a net and kept me pinned against the back wall. Meanwhile my spider friend appeared to be on steroids as it growed to take on a huge half spider half human form. It lunged itself at Philip with its eight arms outstretched, each with an incredibly sharp talon at the end. Philip dodged out of the way and shot at the monster but it was extremely fast as it crawled up the wall and ceiling and jumped at him again. Shots rang out everywhere while furniture went flying about, all the while I was stuck in the web. I wiggled around in the net as I reached for the knife in my pocket only to remember I had left in my bag after the fight with the demons. I then tried to rip the white strands with my teeth but they were extremely thick and stretchy. There was a noise to my left and I looked over to see Philip kneeling next to me. He had a small knife in his hand and was sawing away at the netting. He managed to cut three strands before the spider caught sight of him and sent him flying across the room crashing into an old mirror that shattered on impact. I grabbed the knife from the ground where he dropped it and began to saw at the webbing. I was about half way down when someone kneels next to me. I looked up expecting to see Philip but it was an entirely different man. He looked to be about Philips age with pale white skin and long white hair which hung loose over his forehead. He wore all black like Wendy and Philip but her was also adorned with a black cape with the hood pulled up over his head. I couldn't see his eyes because of the hood but I knew that he was looking straight at me.

"Who are you?" I asked, completely forgetting about the chaotic scene going on around me. The man said nothing but smiled down at me as he reached over and grabbed hold of the web. With a single tug he ripped the heavy material in half and it fell in pieces all around me. I went to stand up and as soon as I did I felt strong arms pull me into a tight hug. The man held me against his chest as he rested his chin on the top of my head. I stood completely frozen, not at all comfortable and not at all sure of what to do.

"Let her go, Zanders!" I heard Philip yell. I turned to see him standing across the kitchen. His clothes were in shambles and he had his gun drawn pointed at the tall male behind me. The man said nothing but instead pulled me in closer to his chest.

"Don't think I won't shoot you Zanders." Philip warned.

"And risk hurting Akira? I think not." His voice was smooth like honey but had a certain icy edge to it that sent shivers down my spine. I tried to push myself away but his grip on me was extremely tight and I couldn't budge an inch. Across the room I saw my bag with my knives sitting on the table and silently cursed myself for my stupidity. I never thought I could be attacked in my own home.

"I mean it Zanders. Let go of her." Philip said as he slowly inched closer. The man, Zanders, in turn took a step back. Just then he raised his hand and PHilip rushed to grab me but it was too late as the room was engulfed in a thick smog. I felt someone cover my mouth as I was picked up and carried out the back door. I screamed into his hand as he carried me down the street. He turned a corner and stopped in front of a parked car. He opened the trunk and placed me inside. No way! I am not letting this happen to me. I stretch out my foot and he shuts the trunk door down on my leg. I yelp in pain and he quickly lifts up the door again.

"What are you doing?" He asks he surprised. I kick him as I try to climb out but he pushes me back in, clasping his hand over my mouth again to keep me from screaming.

"Calm down." he says. "I'm not going to hurt you." I don't care if he wants to hurt me or not, I just want out of this situation. With him leaning over me like this I can look clearly into his eyes and I can tell there is something not right in there. He's got a bunch of crazy swirling around in those deep blue eyes and it's making me shiver.

With his hand still over my mouth, Zanders leans down to look at my injured foot and it take the opportunity to bite down hard on his hand. He screams and recoils and I take the opportunity to jump out and run past him. He grabs at me but all he gets is a handful of air as I am very quick on my feet. I quickly run back to the house where I see Wendy standing on the front porch. I quickly run up to her from behind and bury my face into her clothes. I turn around and am relieved to see that no one is following me.

"Akira!?" Wendy yells. "Oh my god! Thank god you're okay." SHe quickly pulls me into a tight hug as she takes out her phone.

"Philip, I found her!" She yells into the phone. I can hear yelling on the other end and then out of nowhere the black van comes flying down the street and stops in front of us. Wendy opens the back of the van and pulls me inside with her before the van speeds off again down the street. The whole drive Wendy refused to let me go as she buried her face into my hair. I didn't mind the closeness this time.

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