Chapter 7

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It was the middle of the night and I was wide awake sitting on the small bed in the hotel room Philip had rented for us. To my left Wendy was asleep on another bed. She slept outside the covers for I only could assume it was too hot to sleep in them with all that thick black clothing. I didn't know where Philip was. He had left shortly after renting the room and he hasn't told us where he was going or when he would be back.

"Who is Zanders?" I had asked as we had pulled up to the hotel.

"Zanders is a bad man whom you should avoid." Wendy said as she helped me out of the van.

"Yeah I understand that, but who is he? Is he a demon or something?" Philip and Wendy still didn't know about the fight I had had with the demons earlier and if I was lucky they never would. There were a few things I wanted to keep secret about myself and the fact that I had killed four demons in a time span of about two minutes was definitely something I wanted to keep to myself. I wanted them to think I was innocent and weak, at least for now.

"Zanders isn't a demon." Wendy said.

"Zanders is a monster." Philip corrected as he exited the front of the vehicle. "He is a crazy, evil monster who you should avoid at all costs. Do you understand?" I looked up at him and I could easily see the anger and spite he was trying to conceal. He knew a lot more about Zanders then he was willing to tell me.

"I understand." I said as I walked past them and into the hotel.

The door to our hotel room creaked open and Philip walked in carrying a large bag.

"Here." he said as he threw the bag at me. I opened it and inside were a bunch of clothes and sweaters from my room.

"What's this?"


"I can see that. But why?"

"Your house may not be safe so we may be staying here for awhile."

"You're kidding me right?"

Philip shook his head and I let out a long sigh as I let myself fall back onto my bed. I hate this.

I didn't go to school at all that week. Philip wouldn't let me because he was worried I would ditch them and run off on my own again. Because of that I started to go a teeny bit stir crazy. Luckily I had something to occupy myself with because Wendy had started teaching me magic. She would hold out my left arm and show me all the marking and tell me what each one did. Some of them I got to try out in the room while others she said were too dangerous for me to use indoors. To Philip and Wendy's surprise I learned things rather quickly and I felt accomplished knowing all these new things.

About a week after coming to the hotel I started to feel really sick. My body ached and twitched and I felt extremely nauseous. I locked myself in the bathroom and did not let anyone in. I was in enormous pain and I felt like my body was being ripped in half. I lay on the floor while my body twitched and convulsed. It felt almost like my spine was being ripped through my skin and out of my back. In my pain induced haxe I could hear Philip yelling at me from the other side of the door as well as a series of ripping and tearing noises. Finally the pain subsided and the ripping sounds seized. I awkwardly rose to my feet. Philip was yelling at me from the other side of the door as he tried to break the lock. I wasn't paying attention to him, I was more interested in this thing that had grown out of my back. I stood in front of the mirror staring at it in a mixture of fear and amazement. A single black wing dripping in blood had sprouted from the right side of my back. I reached behind me and jumped as my fingers made contact with the wet feathers. I yanked on one and was surprised when it hurt me.

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