Chapter 10

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Looking over I recognized the two girls immediately. Within the bustle of the active street they appeared human, which is what caught me off guard. They were just in plain clothes instead of the flowing white dresses from before and they were absent of those signature white feathered wings that gave them their titles as angels. Philip also saw them and put his arm protectively in front of me. They didn't know that I knew who they were, they didn't know that we had already met that eventful night when I snuck out while they were sleeping.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Ava said as she and Riley walked over to the three of us. Philip pushed me behind him while Wendy stood protectively to my side so that I was almost hidden from sight but I moved so I could see over his shoulder.

"Get lost." Philip sneered at them. His voice was full of disgust which in all honesty kind of surprised me. The two girls were angels after all so I figured that he would have a bit of respect for them but instead he looked at the two as if they were bugs smashed on the sole of his shoe, disgusting and unwanted.

"No need to be so mean." Ava coed. "We are all here for the same thing. We all have the same goal."

"That's a big lie. I know how you girls work. You don't give a damn what actually happens as long as your king is happy."

The two girls smiled but didn't argue. Their faces appeared sweet and innocent but their eyes said otherwise. They had the eyes of a snake, cold and calculating, stalking its prey slowly from the bushes and waiting for the perfect time to lash out and strike.

Ava gazed down a me from behind Philips shoulder and I could only pray that she wouldn't say anything about that night. If Wendy and Philip knew what happened it would ruin everything and I would have no chance of sneaking away again.

"Our king..." Ava began. "Feels that it would be best if the little lady continued her training at his home, where it is safe."

"That place is far from safe. Do you not remember what happened last time."

"It wasn't our fault that your girl refused to follow orders. She just wouldn't sit still."

"She's a person not a pet. You can't just lock her up when you get tired of taking care of her. It's not right."

"We are here to ensure her safety."

"Well what's the point of being safe if you're not happy?"

"And what makes you think she's happy with you?"

This question must have struck a nerve because Philip stopped talking and became deadly silent. Around us people walked by continuing on with their daily lives while we remained planted in the middle of the street. No one dared to move our even talk to each other as they all stared at each other in silence.

Finally I couldn't take the silence any longer and I reached out and grabbed PHilips hand.

"Philip." He turned and looked down at me concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"Who are these people?" I asked innocently, gazing sideways at Ava as she appeared taken aback by my question. I could almost see the little wheels turning in her head before falling into place as she realized that I hadn't told them about their earlier meeting.

"They are angels." Wendy said before Philip could stop her.

"Don't angels have wings?"

"They can hide their wings just like you can." Wendy answered.

"Oh." I reached into my pocket and hid something in the palm of my hand before stepping out in front of Philip.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Akira." I said, extending my hand to the two girls. The two girls looked at me confused before Ava stepped forward and took my hand. She Immediately let go as she let out a blood curdling scream of pain as the demon blood burned her fingers. Philip jumped forward in surprise and grabbed me. He pulled me back into his chest as I quickly slipped the blood soaked fabric square back into my pocket.

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