Chapter 13

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I held my hands in front of my face to shield my eyes from the swirling gold dust that consumed me. As the shimmering dust finally settled I looked out to see myself standing in the familiar city street of my hometown. In the distance I could see the park and far off to my left I heard the familiar rings of school bells as the high school classes were being dismissed.

"I don't approve us this." Ava muttered next to me. She had a good grip on my shirt sleeve to reassure herself that I wasn't going to run off as soon as I got back.

"Doesn't matter what you think as long as you follow the king's orders." I say with a smile as a yank myself away from her. After my little threat the king had been surprisingly obliging and had granted my wish of being sent home. The other angels had taken it as him simply giving in but I saw something in his eyes that I hadn't expected from a man of his statis. Genuine fear. I had seen it before but had never expected it from him. He knew that as far s the balance was concerned that I was more evil than good and therefore I can only assume that he feared what would happen if he was to anger me or if I was to turn on him.

I look down the empty streets towards the southside of town where Maddy lived. I could only hope that he was ok. I turned tow start walking but Ava grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What?" I growled. She wasn't seriously considering trying to stop me, right? Ava gave me a concerned look and then grabbed hold of my arm and placed something in my hand. It was a tiny bottle similar in size and shape to a pill bottle. It was made of milky sea glass, a silver chain wrapped around the bottles neck and a white cork held it closed. Inside the bottle a sandy liquid swished around, moving without assistance as if the water itself was alive. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her curiously.

"Just a little gift. It has a very strong reaction when mixed with demon magic."

I nodded even though I didn't entirely understand and slipped the bottle into the pocket with the feather.

"I still think what you are doing is stupid." SHe said with a huff as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Doesn't matter. I'm still going to do it. But I could use your help."

"I'm sorry but there is no way I would stand a chance against Zanders and his demon magic."

"That's not what I need help with. I need you to distract Philip and Wendy."


"They will find out pretty quickly that I've come back and when they do figure it out they will come looking for me. I don't want them getting in my way."

Ava thought it over a second before nodding.

"Fine." She said as her majestic wings appeared behind her. Passerbys took no notice of the beautiful angel as she was slowly lifted off the ground. "Be careful, kid." She said, her grey eyes filled with an unfamiliar sadness as she took off like a rocket and disappeared into the distance. My fingers traced the feather in my pocket as I stared at the spot she once stood before turning to face towards the south side of town.

The air was cold and heavy and the streets were practically deserted as I made my way to Maddys flat. I reached the building and stared up at the open window which I had crawled through so many times. I climbed up onto a trash can to pull down the fire escape and go up to the second floor. The lights were off inside but despite that I could still see the fuzzy edges of Maddys work table and chair near the back of the room. I climbed over the windowsill and placed my feet on the floorboards. They creaked as I applied pressure and stood up.

"Maddy?" I called out into the dark and silent room. There was no response as I slowly walked over to his desk to flip on the table top light. Halfway there the room was cascaded into darkness as someone closed the window blinds behind me. I barely had time to turn around before two strongs arms wrapped themselves around me and pulled me into a warm chest.

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