Boba Date with Sebastian (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)

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Quick PSA! This is modern, so modern Sebastian; the contract is still in place in this. This was just a little cute idea I whipped up while listening to
bubble tea - dark cat
Also, I just really love Sebastian (ㅅ' ˘ ')♡


I sighed as I looked out of the café window. Sebastian and I had agreed to go on a boba tea date since we hadn't been on a date in a while because of our busy schedules. I'd gotten here early so I could get a booth near one of the larger windows and now was patiently waiting on my boyfriend of 6 months.

As if on cue, I heard the bell above the door jingled, indicating someone had come in. I turned my head to see none other than the man himself.
"Hey hun," I smiled.
"Hello my love," he replied, his accent rolling smoother than silk as he sat across from me in the booth. A waitress then came by and took our orders, and once she'd left, Sebastian and I began chatting.
"So," I asked, "How has college been?"
"Oh, you know, college," Sebastian chuckled.
"How have your classes been?" He asked.
"Same old, same old. Studying, drinking too much iced coffee; you know, the usual," I smiled.
"It's nice to break from just barely having time to text you," Sebastian reached across the table and took one of my hands in his, "And actually see your lovely face." He then smiled at me, causing my face to tint red rather quickly.
"O...Oh, uh, yeah," I giggled, enjoying the feeling of our hands together.
We continued talking, and eventually our waitress came back and handed us our tea before leaving.
Poking my straw through the thin plastic top, I looked up to see Sebastian gazing out of the window. I swear, no matter the lighting, this man always looked like he'd just stepped out of a Calvin Kline catalogue. This lighting, luckily for me, was absolutely perfect on his skin. It lit up his eyes, causing them to look warmer than usual. His lashes seemed a lot more like small angel feathers as he slowly blinked, and every feature on his face glowed in an almost ethereal light. It was irony at its finest—a demon looking so angelic.
In fact, I was so enraptured with his stunning visuals that I barely registered him turning to face me once again.
"I'm sorry to have distracted you," he smirked cheekily at me, sending a light wink my way.
"Oh hush," I giggled.
"What were you thinking about?" I asked before taking a sip of my tea.
"I was just thinking about us. It's been a lovely six months." Sebastian smiled warmly at me. I felt my heart begin to pick up pace at his words, and smiled back at him.
"Yeah, it feels like just yesterday that I bumped into you and doused you in iced coffee. You were more worried about my spilled coffee-" Sebastian cut me off with a chuckle.
"-And you were more worried about my clothes than your coffee."
"Yeah," I laughed, "I guess it's just my nature to care a lot about the people around me."
"That," Sebastian laughed lightly, "Is one of the reasons I asked you out."
"Oh please, you know it was just because you wanted an excuse to get to know me," I teased.
"Hmm, more or less."
We continued chatting for a while until we were both finished with our tea, and once we'd finished, we got up and grabbed our things.
Swinging my backpack over my shoulder, I turned to Sebastian and asked, "Are you busy tonight?"
Sebastian seemed to be thinking for a short moment before answering; "Not that I know of. Ciel has a date with Lizzy tonight so he'll be out."
"Cool," I grinned, "Wanna help me study?" I asked. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at me.
"By 'study', do you mean me reading your material to you while you play Overwatch?"
He asked. I laughed nervously, averting my eyes slightly.
"Uhh... no," I giggled, "I mean actually study." Sebastian chuckled at my words before standing beside me and taking my hand in his as we began to walk out.
"Of course, kitten. I'll help you study. Would you like to study human anatomy first?" Sebastian smirked, sending a sly wink my way as my face burned a bright red.
"B...Be quiet!"

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