sun kissed [ asra alnazar modern au ]

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you couldn't remember the last time that you'd felt this light. for the first time in what felt like forever, your lungs didn't feel like they were full of cotton swabs—your chest rose and fell with the softness of a feather.

it had been so long since life felt so worth living, you'd almost completely forgotten how lovely it could be. the boat you sat in tipped ever so slightly as the man sitting across from you leaned his elbow on his knee, gazing at you with the same amount of love that you've held in your heart these past three years.

"why are you staring?" you couldn't help but laugh, a light blush decorating your cheeks as you looked down at the water.

"you're just so perfect," asra sighed out, his genuine words never ceased to amaze you.

"i'm really not..." you muttered, softly messing with your fingers.

"well i know a lie when i hear one." asra rowed out a bit further, a soft smile on his lips. once you'd both reached the center of the large lake, asra placed the oar down softly in it's hold before once again turning his attention to you.

"you're never not perfect, (Y/N). i will never stop reminding you how astonishing you are to me. you're stunning in every sense of the word." he then took your chin in between his thumb and index finger, causing you to look at him with wide eyes as he gazed at you with a loving gaze so intense that you could have fainted on the spot.

"i'm in love with you, (Y/N). from the day we met three years ago, you've been the only one to own my heart and soul—my very being exists only for you. i am so in love with you."

of course asra had pronounced his love for you before—usually while laying in your nest of a bed at home, above the shop. he'd have his hands tangled in your clothes or your hair, and he'd whisper against your skin about how he fell for you again and again everyday; but this—this felt so much different. like asra was reaching into your soul and caressing the most damaged parts.

"asra i—" you cut yourself off as tears welled up in your eyes. things had been so incredibly difficult recently, sometimes it was nice to have this breath of fresh air.

"shh," asra soothed you. "you don't have to say anything, my love."

with that, he placed a kiss on your trembling lips, pulling you closer to his chest. it felt like years had passed by the time you both pulled away, and yet it had only been seconds. that was the funny thing about being in love—every moment spent close to them feels like an eternity that won't ever end, but it's a cruel awakening when it does.

that's exactly what this was.

"do you have to go?" you asked, the pads of your fingers trailing along asra's jawline as he looked down at you.

"i do."

"why?" you muttered, unknowing to the pout that formed on your lips as your mind was enraptured by the feeling of his warm skin.

"business, as usual. being one of the only capable magicians in this side of the world has it's benefits, but it also has it's down sides," asra sighed before pulling you against his chest once more.

"will you come back?" you couldn't help but ask the question. it might sound silly, but there were always risks to using copious amounts of magic at one time.

"i'll always come back to you, sunshine." asra smiled his usual charming smile as he pushed stray hair from your face. a sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes. between the sounds of the wind and waves, the feeling of the suns and asra's warmth, and the open air around you, you could have easily drifted off to sleep; but you refused to waste the last few hours you got to spend with your magician before he had to leave on a trip that would keep him away for only god's know how long.

"i love you," you whispered.

"i love you too," asra replied as he placed a few gentle kisses on your collarbone.

i'm sorry for the short (and out of the blue) one shot, things have been a little hard recently and i just got random inspiration to type this up. i hope you all enjoy, and pls give the arcana a shot if you haven't played it yet !! it's such a good game with a really elaborate plot and amazing characters with tons of depth !!! it's honestly one of the best things i've ever experienced : ]

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